Cristin-person-ID: 641824

Natalia Swahn

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for arkitektur og planlegging ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet


Resultater Resultater

Cultural awareness as an essential core competence of the global company: the strategic role of human resource management.

Swahn, Natalia. 2000, 5th International Conference on Competence-Based Management. NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag

Prerequisites for Successful Production Transfers in the Electronics Industry.

Mogos, Maria Flavia; Alfnes, Erlend; Swahn, Natalia. 2018, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

Global manufacturing and how location in Norway may give factories a competitive advantage.

Semini, Marco; Brekken, Håvard; Swahn, Natalia; Alfnes, Erlend; Strandhagen, Jan Ola. 2016, EUROMA 2016. NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag

Importance of production environments when applying Industry 4.0 to production logistics – a multiple case study.

Strandhagen, Jo Wessel; Alfnes, Erlend; Strandhagen, Jan Ola; Swahn, Natalia. 2016, Atlantis Press. NTNUVitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
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