Cristin-person-ID: 694570

Sara-Regina Martin Roman

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for elektroniske systemer ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Resultater Resultater

From room acoustics to paleoacoustics: A preliminary acoustical study in Chauvet Cave.

Kolar, Miriam A.; Valentin, Luna; Svensson, U. Peter; Martin Roman, Sara-Regina; Abel, Jonathan S.; Michon, Romain; Fritz, Carole; Tosello, Gilles; Chowning, John; Wright, Matthew. 2022, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. SU, CNRS, NTNU, INRIASammendrag/abstract

Developing experimental skills: A hands-on course in acoustical measurement techniques at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Dong, Hefeng; Svensson, U. Peter; Dutilleux, Guillaume; Martin Roman, Sara-Regina; Netland, Tim Cato; Rørstadbotnen, Robin André; Talberg, Andreas Sørbrøden. 2022, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

Aircraft localization using the acoustical Doppler effect.

Martin Roman, Sara-Regina; Genescá Francitorra, Meritxell. 2014, 37th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics. NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag

MESH2FAUST: a Modal Physical Model Generator for the Faust Programming Language-Application to Bell Modeling.

Michon, Romain; Martin Roman, Sara-Regina; Smith, Julius O.. 2017, International Computer Music Conference Proceedings. NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

Passive acoustic method for aircraft states estimation based on the Doppler effect.

Martin Roman, Sara-Regina; Genescá Francitorra, Meritxell; Garbi, Jordi Romeu; Arcos, Robert. 2014, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel
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