Cristin-person-ID: 726943

Thomas Ray Haaland

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for biologi ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Resultater Resultater

Eco-evolutionary dynamics of partially migratory metapopulations.

Haaland, Thomas Ray; Payo-Payo, Ana; Acker, Paul; Fortuna, Rita; Burthe, Sarah J.; Ratikainen, Irja Ida; Daunt, Francis; Reid, Jane Margaret. 2023, BOU 2023. UCdM, CEH, NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag

Eco-evolutionary dynamics of partially migratory metapopulations.

Haaland, Thomas Ray; Payo-Payo, Ana; Acker, Paul; Fortuna, Rita; Burthe, Sarah J; Ratikainen, Irja Ida; Daunt, Francis; Reid, Jane Margaret. 2023, Oikos Norway 2023. UCdM, CEH, NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag

Seasonality and competition select for variable germination behavior in perennials.

Ten Brink, Hanna; Haaland, Thomas Ray; Massol, François; Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol. 2023, Evolution. NIOZ, IPL, UZ, Lu, NTNU, EAWAGVitenskapelig artikkel

A reaction norm framework for the evolution of learning: how cumulative experience shapes phenotypic plasticity.

Wright, Jonathan; Haaland, Thomas; Dingemanse, Niels J.; Westneat, David F.. 2022, Biological Reviews. UoK, LM, UZ, NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

Individual reversible plasticity as a genotype-level bet-hedging strategy.

Haaland, Thomas; Wright, Jonathan; Ratikainen, Irja Ida. 2022, ESEB 2022. NTNUPoster
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