Cristin-person-ID: 727873

Runar Barstad Solberg

  • Stilling:
    ved Forskning på epidemitiltak ved Folkehelseinstituttet

Resultater Resultater

Centre for Epidemic Interventions Research (CEIR) Annual Report 2023.

Bjørbæk, Mona; Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Julin, Cathinka Halle; Elstrøm, Petter; Flottorp, Signe Agnes; Fretheim, Atle; Holst, Christine; Gopinathan, Unni; Munthe-Kaas, Heather Eileen Menzies; Oxman, Andrew David mfl.. 2024, FHIRapport

School-based physical activity in relation to active travel – a cluster randomized controlled trial among adolescents enrolled in the school in motion study in Norway.

Malnes, Lena; Berntsen, Sveinung; Kolle, Elin; Ivarsson, Andreas; Dyrstad, Sindre Mikal; Resaland, Geir Kåre; Solberg, Runar Barstad; Haugen, Tommy. 2023, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. HH, FHI, UIA, NIH, UIS, HVLVitenskapelig artikkel

Study protocol: Evaluation of the National tool for observation of infection prevention measures in the healthcare (NOST) – a cluster randomized trial.

Fagernes, Mette; Eriksen-Volle, Hanne-Merete; Holst, Christine; Rose, Christopher James; Solberg, Runar Barstad; Elstrøm, Petter. 2023, FHI, VESTFOLD, NIHRapport

Relationship between health-related quality of life and physical fitness in Norwegian adolescents.

Leibinger, Eva; Åvitsland, Andreas; Resaland, Geir Kåre; Solberg, Runar Barstad; Kolle, Elin; Dyrstad, Sindre Mikal. 2022, Quality of Life Research. FHI, NIH, UIS, HVLVitenskapelig artikkel

Aerobic fitness mediates the intervention effects of a school-based physical activity intervention on academic performance. The school in Motion study – A cluster randomized controlled trial.

Solberg, Runar Barstad; Steene-Johannessen, Jostein; Fagerland, Morten; Anderssen, Sigmund Alfred; Berntsen, Sveinung; Resaland, Geir Kåre; van Sluijs, Esther M.F.; Ekelund, Ulf; Kolle, Elin. 2021, Preventive Medicine Reports. UOC, NIH, UIA, HVLVitenskapelig artikkel
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