Cristin-person-ID: 7842

Aktiv cristin-person Aida Gacic Mulic

  • Stilling:
    ved NIOM - Nordisk Institutt for Odontologiske Materialer
  • Stilling:
    ved Klinisk og eksperimentell odontologi ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Resultater Resultater

Elemental composition, corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing fixed retainers versus conventional fixed retainers.

Namura, Yasuhiro; Pullisaar, Helen; Holm, Heidi Vanessa; Syverud, Morten; Mulic, Aida Gacic; Vandevska-Radunovic, Vaska. 2023, Journal of Oral Science. ND, UIO, NIOMVitenskapelig artikkel

Funksjonelle og estetiske egenskaper av metallkeramiske kroner.

Mulic, Aida Gacic; Syverud, Morten; Holm, Heidi Vanessa; Kopperud, Simen E.; Staxrud, Frode; Austrheim, Ellen Kristine; Valen, Håkon. 2023, Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende. NIOMVitenskapelig artikkel

Deterioration of direct restorative materials under erosive conditions with impact of abrasion and attrition in vitro.

Mulic, Aida Gacic; Ruud, Amund; Stenhagen, Ida Sofia Refsholt; Bruzell, Ellen Merete; Tulek, Amela. 2023, Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry. NIOMVitenskapelig artikkel

Relationship Between Dental Caries and Erosive Tooth Wear in Adolescents.

Weber, Megan L.; Søvik, Jenny Bogstad; Mulic, Aida Gacic; Deeley, Kathleen; Modesto, Adriana; Tveit, Anne Bjørg; Vieira, Alexandre R.. 2021, Frontiers in Dental Medicine. UNIVPITT, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Association of Locus Xq26.1-27.3 with Erosive Tooth Wear Phenotypes in a Group of Adolescents.

Mulic, Aida Gacic; Vieira, Alexandre R.; Bezamat, Mariana; Søvik, Jenny Bogstad; Sehic, Amer; Tulek, Amela. 2023, Caries Research. UNIVPITT, THTKS, UIO, NIOMVitenskapelig artikkel
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