Cristin-person-ID: 843298

Florentina Paraschiv

  • Stilling:
    ved NTNU Handelshøyskolen ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Resultater Resultater

Counteroffers and Price Discrimination in Mortgage Lending.

Ongena, Steven Roger Godelieve; Paraschiv, Florentina; Reite, Endre Jo. 2023, Journal of Empirical Finance. KUL, UZ, UNISG, SVEITS, NTNU, CEPR, ZUVitenskapelig artikkel

Back to the roots of internal credit risk models: Does risk explain why banks' risk-weighted asset levels converge over time?

Böhnke, Victoria; Ongena, Steven Roger Godelieve; Paraschiv, Florentina; Reite, Endre Jo. 2023, Journal of Banking & Finance. KUL, UNIMÜNSTER, UZ, SVEITS, NTNU, CEPR, TYSKLAND, ZUVitenskapelig artikkel

Oil–gas price relationships on three continents: Disruptions and equilibria.

Halser, Christoph; Paraschiv, Florentina; Russo, Marianna. 2023, Journal of Commodity Markets. NTNU, ZU, NEOMABSVitenskapelig artikkel

A data-driven explainable case-based reasoning approach for financial risk detection.

Li, Wei; Paraschiv, Florentina; Sermpinis, Georgios. 2022, Quantitative finance (Print). HzB, NTNU, ZU, UoG, NUoSVitenskapelig artikkel

Cross-border Effects between the Spanish and French Electricity Markets: Asymmetric Dynamics and Benefits in the Light of European Market Integration.

Mas Urquijo, Ignacio; Paraschiv, Florentina. 2022, Energy Journal. UNISG, NTNU, ZUVitenskapelig artikkel
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  • 2017 - Best Energy Paper Award, ECOMFIN 2016