Cristin-person-ID: 874890

Stefan Geiss

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Resultater Resultater

Do journalists’ ideologies translate into partisan reporting? The limits of bias and the limits of countermechanisms.

Riedl, Andreas; Geiss, Stefan; Magin, Melanie; Jandura, Olaf; Stark, Birgit. 2024, ECREA 2024 - 10th European Communication Conference "Communication & social (dis)order". LM, JGM, HHU, NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag

Hva synes studentene? Et nytt spørreskjema som metode for studentevalueringer.

Magin, Melanie; Goldberg, Andreas Christian; Geiss, Stefan. 2024, NTNU Læringsfestivalen 2024. NTNUFaglig foredrag

Leftist Coverage From Leftist Journalists? Effects of journalists' political orientation on neutrality, partisan source selection and value frames.

Riedl, Andreas; Geiss, Stefan; Magin, Melanie; Stark, Birgit; Jandura, Olaf. 2023, POLKOM-konferansen 2023. LM, JGM, HHU, NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag

“Many shades of red”: Trondheim etter Ottervik-epoken.

Geiss, Stefan; Magin, Melanie. 2023, NTNUNettsider (opplysningsmateriale)

An Unprecedented ‘Age of Crisis’? Putting Coverage of Recent Crises into a Long-Term Perspective 1788-2020. .

Geiss, Stefan; Viehmann, Christina; Baden, Christian; Quiring, Oliver. 2022, 72nd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag
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  • 2022 - Top 3 Faculty Paper (Journalism Division) Award, International Communication Association (ICA)
  • 2020 - Top Faculty Paper (Computational Methods) Award of the ICA
  • 2019 - DGPuK: Bester kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriftenaufsatz, 1. Preis (German Communication Association: Best journal article in communication research in a German-language scientific journal, first prize)