Cristin-person-ID: 887747

Aktiv cristin-person Per Høeg

  • Stilling:
    ved Plasma- og romfysikk ved Universitetet i Oslo



Rom- og plasmafysikk




Telefon (mobil): +47 48 59 59 00

Resultater Resultater

Statistical models of the variability of plasma in the topside ionosphere: 1. Development and optimisation.

Wood, Alan G.; Donegan-Lawley, Elizabeth E.; Clausen, Lasse; Spogli, Luca; Urbář, Jaroslav; Jin, Yaqi; Shahtahmassebi, Golnaz; Alfonsi, Lucilla; Rawlings, James T.; Cicone, Antonio mfl.. 2024, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. TUOB, INGV, UIO, POLEN, TSJEKKIA, TNTU, UNIVAQVitenskapelig artikkel

Statistical models of the variability of plasma in the topside ionosphere: 2. Performance assessment.

Spogli, Luca; Jin, Yaqi; Urbář, Jaroslav; Wood, Alan G.; Donegan-Lawley, Elizabeth E.; Clausen, Lasse; Shahtahmassebi, Golnaz; Alfonsi, Lucilla; Rawlings, James T.; Cicone, Antonio mfl.. 2024, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. TUOB, INGV, UIO, POLEN, TNTU, TSJEKKIA, UNIVAQVitenskapelig artikkel

Comparison Of Electron Density Fluctuations From Swarm Satellites With The Ground-based Scintillation Data: A Statistical Perspective.

Kotova, Daria; Jin, Yaqi; Spogli, Luca; Wood, Alan G.; Alfonsi, Lucilla; Urbar, Jaroslav; Clausen, Lasse Boy Novock; Høeg, Per; Miloch, Wojciech Jacek. 2022, 3rd URSI AT-AP-RASC. UIOVitenskapelig foredrag

Sea Surface Roughness Determination from Grazing Angle GPS Ocean Observations and Scatterometry Simulations.

Høeg, Per; Carlström, Anders. 2023, Remote Sensing. UIO, SVERIGEVitenskapelig artikkel

Electron density fluctuations from Swarm as a proxy for ground-based scintillation data: A statistical perspective.

Kotova, Daria; Jin, Yaqi; Spogli, Luca; Wood, Alan G.; Urbar, Jaroslav; Rawlings, James T.; Whittaker, Ian C.; Alfonsi, Lucilla; Clausen, Lasse; Høeg, Per mfl.. 2022, 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. UIOVitenskapelig foredrag
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