Cristin-person-ID: 906105

Julia Wind

  • Stilling:
    ved Batteriteknologi ved Institutt for energiteknikk
  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for teknologisystemer ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Cellpy – an open-source library for processing and analysis of battery testing data.

Wind, Julia; Ulvestad, Asbjørn; Abdelhamid, Muhammad; Mæhlen, Jan Petter. 2024, Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS). IFEFagartikkel

Identifying key degradation patterns as a function of ageing temperature: A post-mortem study.

Ostrander, John; Wragg, David Stephen; Vie, Preben Joakim Svela; Wind, Julia; Koposov, Alexey. 2024, Advanced Battery Power Conference 2024. IFE, UIOPoster

Safety and diagnostics of aged large commercial Li-ion pouch cells.

Vie, Preben Joakim Svela; Wind, Julia; Ostrander, John; Spitthoff, Lena; Lian, Torleif; Gilljam, Martin; Forseth, Sissel. 2023, Advanced Battery Power Conference 2023. FFI, IFE, NTNU, UIOVitenskapelig foredrag

Extending an Empirical Degradation Model for Li-ion Batteries into Second-Life Applications.

Hua, Jinsong; Vie, Preben Joakim Svela; Wind, Julia. 2024, 245th Electrochemical Society Meeting. IFE, UIOPoster

Revisiting pseudo-OCV pulse-based incremental capacity analysis .

Wind, Julia; Vie, Preben Joakim Svela. 2024, 245th Electrochemical Society Meeting. IFE, UIOPoster
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