Cristin-person-ID: 943454

Candy Deck

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Resultater Resultater

Assessing the social and environmental impacts of critical mineral supply chains for the energy transition in Europe.

Berthet, Etienne; Lavalley, Julien; Anquetil-Deck, Candy; Ballesteros, Fernanda; Stadler, Konstantin; Soytas, Ugur; Hauschild, Michael; Laurent, Alexis. 2024, Global Environmental Change. NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

Towards reliable national social footprints: refining work-related injury and fatality metrics.

Berthet, Etienne; Anquetil-Deck, Candy; Stadler, Konstantin; Laurent, Alexis. 2024, Discover Sustainability. NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

Database for "Estimation of the Energy Recovery and Emission Potential of Typically Incinerated Norwegian Waste Classes".

Berre, Ivar Tustervatn,; Anquetil-Deck, Candy; Netzer, Corinna. 2023, NTNUDatabase

Transforming Our World: Interdisciplinary Insights on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Koundouri, Phoebe; Anquetil-Deck, Candy; Becchetti, Leonardo; Berthet, Etienne; Borghesi, Simone; Cavalli, Laura; Chioatto, Elisa; Cruickshank, Edward; Devves, Stathis; Dibattista, Ilaria mfl.. 2023, UdSdRTV, UNISI, DTU, NTNU, IPA, UNIFERapport
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