Cristin-person-ID: 948399

Kana Banno

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for biologiske fag Ålesund ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet



Fiskebiologi • Fish behaviour • Fiskevelferd • Akvakultur • Laksefisk • Lakselus • Giftige alger • Landbasert oppdrett • Molkylærgenetikk


  • Norge
  • Japan

Bakgrunn Bakgrunn


Kana Banno


I do research within salmon aquaculture, with a focus on salmon behaviour in commercial cages, as response to various environmental factors. My research interest covers wide range of topics, but I am especially interested in fish behaviour, fish welfare, and use of molecular techniques (e.g. eDNA) and modern equipment (e.g. underwater cameras, sonars) for aquaculture monitoring. I have worked at a Japanese land-based RAS company that produces rainbow trout, where I acquired thorough knowledge on everyday operation at RAS facilities, as well as strong observational skills necessary for healthy growth of salmonids. I was awarded a MSc in Biology with a focus on aquaculture and genetics, from UiT The Arctic University of Norway in 2019.


Kana Banno

Resultater Resultater

Identifying losers: Automatic identification of growth-stunted salmon in aquaculture using computer vision.

Banno, Kana; Gonçalves, Filipe Marcel Fernandes; Sauphar, Clara Pauline; Anichini, Marianna; Hazelaar, Aline; Sperre, Linda Helen; Stolz, Christian; Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen; Gansel, Lars Christian; Torres, Ricardo. 2024, Machine Learning with Applications (MLWA). WUR, NTNU, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

Expanded vision for the spatial distribution of Atlantic salmon in sea cages.

Banno, Kana; Gao, Sihan; Anichini, Marianna; Stolz, Christian; Tuene, Stig Atle; Gansel, Lars Christian. 2024, Aquaculture. NTNU, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

Digital Prototyping of a Stocked Cage with Multi-Sensor Integration.

Gao, Sihan; Banno, Kana; Hu, Zhicheng; Han, Peihua; Gansel, Lars Christian; Li, Guoyuan; Zhang, Houxiang. 2023, IEEE conference proceedings. NTNUVitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel

Maternal influence on the larval morphometry of the brush-clawed shore crab Hemigrapsus takanoi (Decapoda: Brachyura).

Landeira, José M.; Fatira, Effrosyni; Banno, Kana; Tanaka, Yuji. 2023, Scientia Marina. TUMSAT, UdLPdGC, NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

Automatic detection of growth-stunted phenotype in farmed Atlantic salmon: a new insight into quantify their distribution and behaviour based on a machine learning approach.

Gonçalves, Filipe M. F.; Banno, Kana; Anichini, Marianna; Gansel, Lars Christian; Torres, Ricardo. 2022, Aquaculture Europe 2022. NTNUFaglig foredrag
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