Cristin-person-ID: 991633

Eirik Jacobsen

  • Stilling:
    ved IMV stab ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

There’s More to Timing than Time: Investigating Musical Microrhythm Across Disciplines and Cultures.

Danielsen, Anne; Brøvig, Ragnhild; Bøhler, Kjetil Klette; Câmara, Guilherme Schmidt; Haugen, Mari Romarheim; Jacobsen, Eirik; Johansson, Mats Sigvard; Lartillot, Olivier Serge Gabriel; Nymoen, Kristian; Oddekalv, Kjell Andreas mfl.. 2024, Music Perception. CC, USN, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Social Media as Promotional Media: Independent Music and the Art of Promotion.

Jacobsen, Eirik. 2022, Promotional Media Industries Workshop. UIOVitenskapelig foredrag

“Hard” or “Soft”: Shaping Microtiming through Sonic Features in Jazz-Related Groove Performance.

Danielsen, Anne; Jacobsen, Eirik. 2023, Journal of Jazz Studies (JJS). UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

The Music Talkshow: Music and Social Media.

Jacobsen, Eirik. 2023, UIOProgramledelse

Playful Authentication: Strategies for Self-Presentation of Indie Music on Social Media.

Jacobsen, Eirik. 2023, IASPM International Conference 2023. UIOVitenskapelig foredrag
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