Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2501814
Sist endret: 15. desember 2022, 23:17

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2501814
Sist endret: 15. desember 2022, 23:17

Plasmabehandlet husdyrgjødsel – gjødselvirkning, miljøpåvirkning og klimagassutslipp (Fargo)


Thomas Cottis
ved Fakultet for anvendt økologi, landbruksfag og bioteknologi ved Høgskolen i Innlandet

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Fakultet for anvendt økologi, landbruksfag og bioteknologi ved Høgskolen i Innlandet



Landbruksfag • Landbruksteknologi


Husdyrgjødsel • Miljøteknologi



  • Anvendt forskning


Thomas Cottis


Start: 25. januar 2021 Slutt: 31. desember 2022

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Plasmabehandlet husdyrgjødsel – gjødselvirkning, miljøpåvirkning og klimagassutslipp (Fargo)

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

In the autumn of 2019, the project Plasmabehandlet husdyrgjødsel – gjødselvirkning, miljøpåvirkning og klimagassutslipp (Fargo) was granted funding from the Research Council of Norway. The project is in the category Innovation Project in business sector. The company N2-Applied is the project owner and they are also entering with half of the project's funding of a total of NOK 15 million, over the three years of the project: 2020-2022.

This report is essentially a summary of the field trials that were run at four different locations in Norway in 2020. The field experiments are included in the project's Work Package 1. The Inland University College is responsible for Work Package 1. In addition, it is also described what is done in two of the other Work Packages for which the College of Inland Norway is responsible; Determining and maximizing the fertilizer product's performance in greenhouse experiments under controlled conditions (Work Package 2), and Documenting the effect the fertilizer has on soil structure and soil life (Work Package 3).

Work packages 2 and 3 have started with the development of methodology, practical preparations have been made, and important soil analyses have been taken. The trial work on these two Work Packages will start in full in 2021.

The field experiments in Work Package 1 are one in wheat and one in barley at NLR Innlandet, one in barley and one in wheat at NLR Øst. One grass-experiment at NLR Østafjells,  one grass-experiment at NLR Trøndelag, and one grass-experiment at NLR Innlandet.

The main goal of Work Package 1, which the field trials are part of, is to determine how much fertiliser can be replaced by plasma-treated manure. It is far too early to draw conclusions about this based on the trials in 2020, but the experiments this year showed some main trends that we describe in this report. The results and experience from the field trials in 2020 are an important basis for the planning of the field trials in 2021.


Keywords: N2-Applied, NEO, manure, nitrogene fertilizer.


Financed by: Norges Forskningsråd and N2-Applied




Thomas Cottis

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Fakultet for anvendt økologi, landbruksfag og bioteknologi ved Høgskolen i Innlandet
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for jordbruksfag ved Høgskolen i Innlandet
Aktiv cristin-person

Svein Øivind Solberg

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Fakultet for anvendt økologi, landbruksfag og bioteknologi ved Høgskolen i Innlandet
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for jordbruksfag ved Høgskolen i Innlandet
1 - 2 av 2

Resultater Resultater

Plasma-Treated Nitrogen-Enriched Manure Does Not Impose Adverse Effects on Soil Fauna Feeding Activity or Springtails and Earthworms Abundance.

Mousavi, Hesam; Cottis, Thomas; Pommeresche, Reidun; Dörsch, Peter; Solberg, Svein Øivind. 2022, Agronomy. HINN, NMBU, NORSØKVitenskapelig artikkel

Resultater fra prosjekt FARGO 2021.

Cottis, Thomas; Solberg, Svein Øivind; Nyvold, Magnus; Dörsch, Peter; Mousavi, Hesam. 2022, HINN, NMBURapport

Nitrogen Enriched Organic Fertilizer (NEO) and Its Effect on Ryegrass Yield and Soil Fauna Feeding Activity under Controlled Conditions.

Mousavi, Hesam; Cottis, Thomas; Hoff, Gina Madeleine Haadem; Solberg, Svein Øivind. 2022, Sustainability. HINN, GuVitenskapelig artikkel

Prosjekt FARGO år 2020 - En oppsummering av Høgskolen i Innlandet sin forskning.

Cottis, Thomas; Solberg, Svein Øivind; Nyvold, Magnus; Johansen, Astrid; Stabbetorp, Jan; Berg, Erik Hørluck; Solberg, Harald; Arnstad, Marit; Mousavi, Hesam. 2021, HINNRapport
1 - 4 av 4