Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2549993
Sist endret: 29. november 2023, 10:10

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2549993
Sist endret: 29. november 2023, 10:10

Effects of polyploidization during adaptive evolution in yeasts (PloidYeast)


David Peris Navarro
ved Seksjon for genetikk og evolusjonsbiologi ved Universitetet i Oslo

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Sentralbord for UiO ved Universitetet i Oslo


  • Norges forskningsråd
    Prosjektkode: 324253



Genetikk og genomikk • Bioteknologi


Saccharomyces • Polyploidization • Evolusjon



  • Anvendt forskning
  • Grunnforskning


Start: 1. desember 2021 Slutt: 30. november 2026

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Effects of polyploidization during adaptive evolution in yeasts (PloidYeast)

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag

Climate change, habitat destruction and other human activities are threating the sustainability of food security.

We aim to apply a new collection of yeasts to offer new biotechnological approaches to bring the food chain to produce healthy and sustainable products.

To accomplish this objective, we will make use of a recurrent evolutionary phenomenon, polyploidization, observed in several industrial yeasts and other organisms. This phenomenon facilitates adaptation industrial conditions. Through several evolutionary steps, we aim to generate yeasts with desired industrial traits. We will apply a multidisciplinary approach combining microbiology, molecular and genetic engineering methods, bioinformatics and mathematical modelling to select and generate a new yeast collection.

Not so far, but we already know that by increasing the number of copies in the yeast genome through hybridization will combine desired industrial traits from the parental yeasts.

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

Polyploidization is a recurrent evolutionary phenomenon that generates diversity and facilitates adaptation. The food production chain requires new industrial strains, more efficient or with innovative solutions to particular problems. Synthetic biology tools can introduce biological parts for improving industrial strains. However, some of those parts are still unknown. Industrially relevant yeasts are polyploids suggesting polyploidization as a mechanism to generate new industrial strains. Allopolyploids can combine multiple parental traits. But, the effects of polyploidization are not well understood. In PloidYeast, we will apply a multidisciplinary approach combining microbiology, molecular and genetic engineering methods, bioinformatics and mathematical modelling to generate a new generation of industrial strains with application in the food production chain and advance in our understanding of adaptation by polyploidization. First, we will ask whether polyploidization mechanism is a suitable mechanism to improve bioprocesses (Q1). We selected wild yeast species (WP1) to generate auto- and allopolyploids (WP2). We will test whether multi-species allopolyploids show multiple traits (Hypothesis: H1). Then, we will evolve the new polyploids on environments mimicking three industrial conditions (WP3) expecting adaptation to them (H2). After 500 generations of evolution, we will ask whether the effects of polyploidization are repeated (Q2) by sequencing the genomes, transcriptomes and quantifying their proteome, metabolome and other phenotypic traits (WP4). If Q2 is true, we will isolate genomic regions relevant to solve a biotechnological challenge (H3). We envision to use this new multiomic dataset to build the bases of a new generation of mathematical models applied to yeast polyploids to select wild strains (H4) and isolate biological parts contributing to solutions for sustainability of food systems and promotion of circular bioeconomy.


Aktiv cristin-person

David Peris Navarro

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Seksjon for genetikk og evolusjonsbiologi ved Universitetet i Oslo
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de los Alimentos

Yves Van De Peer

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Universiteit Gent

Ana Conesa

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas

Rike Stelkens

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Stockholms universitet

Håvard Kauserud

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Seksjon for genetikk og evolusjonsbiologi ved Universitetet i Oslo
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Resultater Resultater

Biodiversitat de fongs i les seues aplicacions industrials.

Peris, David. 2023, Outreach event Col.legi Sagrada Familia. UIOPopulærvitenskapelig foredrag

Biodiversitat de fongs i les seues aplicacions industrials.

Peris, David. 2023, Outreach event IES La Sènia. UIOPopulærvitenskapelig foredrag

Biodiversitat de fongs i les seues aplicacions industrials.

Peris, David. 2023, Outreach event IES Andreu Alfaro. UIOPopulærvitenskapelig foredrag

Wild yeasts and their domestication for brewing applications.

Peris, David. 2023, Networking event at Carlsberg. UIOFaglig foredrag

Generating a large collection of Saccharomyces polyploids to study their adaptation to food-related industrial conditions.

Orellana-Muñoz, Sara; Stelkens, Rike; Kauserud, Håvard; Skrede, Inger; Peris, David. 2023, XXIX Congreso Sociedad Española de Microbiología. UIOPoster
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