Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2559187
Sist endret: 19. desember 2022, 10:32

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2559187
Sist endret: 19. desember 2022, 10:32

"Satanella" or "Carnaval de Venezia" - pas de deux. The history of creation and recreation


Irina Zavialova
ved Avdeling Dans ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Avdeling Dans ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo


  • TotalbudsjettNOK 68.000
  • Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
    Prosjektkode: 21029


Start: 19. desember 2022 Slutt: 1. september 2023

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


"Satanella" or "Carnaval de Venezia" - pas de deux. The history of creation and recreation

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

This project will examine the story of the creation and recreation of the Satanella pas de deux, which was created in the XIX century, but by the XX was believed lost only to reappear 50 years later. The mystery of the reappearance of it despite the lack of notation and the changes it underwent after its recreation are the focus of this research which will be linked to the view on the importance of the traditional, in-person transmission of classical ballet heritage from one generation to next.



Irina Zavialova

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Avdeling Dans ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
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