Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2609929
Sist endret: 28. mai 2024, 15:41

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 2609929
Sist endret: 28. mai 2024, 15:41

Fundamentals of formal properties of nonmanuals: A quantitative approach


Vadim Kimmelman
ved Institutt for lingvistiske, litterære og estetiske studier ved Universitetet i Bergen

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Universitetet i Bergen


  • ERC-European Research Council
    Prosjektkode: 101039378



Tegnspråk • Språkvitenskapelige fag


Tegnspråklingvistikk • Computer vision



  • Grunnforskning


Start: 1. mars 2023 Slutt: 31. desember 2027

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Fundamentals of formal properties of nonmanuals: A quantitative approach

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

Sign languages, in addition to using the hands, also use positions and movements of other articulators: the body, the head, the mouth, the eyebrows, the eyes and the eyelids, to convey lexical, grammatical, and prosodic information. This linguistic use of the nonmanual articulators is known as nonmanuals. Contrary to current assumptions in the field of sign linguistics, this project proposes the hypothesis that all sign languages use the same basic universal building blocks (nonmanual movements) but that each language is different in how it combines these building blocks both sequentially and simultaneously; languages also differ in the regularity, frequency, and the alignment properties of the nonmanuals.

In order to test this hypothesis, the project will investigate formal properties of nonmanuals in five geographically, historically, and socially diverse sign languages using data from published naturalistic corpora of the sign languages, Computer Vision for extracting measurements of the movement of nonmanual articulators, and a statistical techniques of Non-linear Mixed Effect Modelling and Functional Data Analysis for a quantitative comparison of dynamic nonmanual contours. This will result in the first quantitative formal typology of nonmanuals grounded in naturalistic corpus data. The novel methodology proposed in this project requires testing, adjustment, and development, which constitutes an important component of the project. The developed methodological pipeline will be a secondary output enabling large-scale reliable quantitative research on nonmanuals in future.

Finally, the established typology of formal properties of nonmanuals in the five sign languages will serve as basis for a cross-modal comparison between nonmanuals and prosody/intonation in spoken languages in order to separate truly universal features of the human linguistic capacity from the effects of the visual vs. auditory modalities.



Vadim Kimmelman

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for lingvistiske, litterære og estetiske studier ved Universitetet i Bergen
1 - 1 av 1

Resultater Resultater

Eye Blink Detection in Sign Language Data Using CNNs and Rule-Based Methods.

Susman, Margaux Marie Christelle; Kimmelman, Vadim. 2024, European Language Resources Association. UIBVitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel

Nonmanual Marking of Questions in Balinese Homesign Interactions: a Computer-Vision Assisted Analysis.

Kimmelman, Vadim; Price, Ari; Safar, Josefina; De Vos, Connie; Bulla, Jan. 2024, European Language Resources Association. UIBVitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel

Headshakes in NGT: Relation between Phonetic Properties & Linguistic Functions.

Kimmelman, Vadim; Oomen, Marloes; Pfau, Roland. 2024, European Language Resources Association. UIBVitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel

Using Computer Vision to analyze nonmanuals across signed languages.

Kimmelman, Vadim. 2023, Norsk forskningskonferanse om tegnspråk og døvesamfunn. UIBPoster

Analyzing Literary Texts in Lithuanian Sign Language with Computer Vision: A Proof of Concept.

Kimmelman, Vadim; Teresė, Anželika. 2023, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. UIB, VUVitenskapelig artikkel
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