Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 291679
Sist endret: 13. mars 2009, 10:20

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 291679
Sist endret: 13. mars 2009, 10:20

Medicinal plants in Mali, Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry and Biological activity


Berit Smestad Paulsen
ved Seksjon for farmasøytisk kjemi ved Universitetet i Oslo

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Seksjon for farmasøytisk kjemi ved Universitetet i Oslo


Start: 1. januar 2007 Slutt: 30. juni 2009

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Medicinal plants in Mali, Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry and Biological activity


Research collaboration for better health for the population in Mali by knowledge transfer and studies of medicinal plants.

Major objective for the research collaboration:

  • Identify medicinal plants used by traditional healers in Mali for the treatment of major illnesses in the country
  • Produce effective traditional medicines for the treatment of important diseases in Mali in order to obtain a safer and more effective way for a better and more reliable healthcare system for the population of Mali.
  • Develop methods for quality control of Improved Traditional Medicines
  • Produce medicines based on the traditional knowledge to a cost that the population can afford

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

Research collaboration for better health for the population in Mali by knowledge transfer and studies of medicinal plants.

Major objective for the research collaboration:

  • Identify medicinal plants used by traditional healers in Mali for the treatment of major illnesses in the country
  • Produce effective traditional medicines for the treatment of important diseases in Mali in order to obtain a safer and more effective way for a better and more reliable healthcare system for the population of Mali.
  • Develop methods for quality control of Improved Traditional Medicines
  • Produce medicines based on the traditional knowledge to a cost that the population can afford



Berit Smestad Paulsen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Seksjon for farmasøytisk kjemi ved Universitetet i Oslo

Drissa Diallo

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Université de Bamako

Terje Einar Michaelsen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Seksjon for farmasøytisk kjemi ved Universitetet i Oslo

Hilde Barsett

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Seksjon for farmasøytisk kjemi ved Universitetet i Oslo

Karl Egil Malterud

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Seksjon for farmasøytisk kjemi ved Universitetet i Oslo
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