Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 349389
Sist endret: 12. mars 2019, 09:35

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 349389
Sist endret: 12. mars 2019, 09:35

Molecular Detection of Micrometastases In Sentinel Lymph Nodes Isolated From Colon Cancer Patients


Oddmund Nordgård
ved Klinikk for Blod- og Kreftsykdommer ved Helse Stavanger HF - Stavanger universitetssjukehus

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Klinikk for Blod- og Kreftsykdommer ved Helse Stavanger HF - Stavanger universitetssjukehus


+47 47 80 90 92
Oddmund Nordgård


Start: 1. januar 2004 Slutt: 31. desember 2020

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Molecular Detection of Micrometastases In Sentinel Lymph Nodes Isolated From Colon Cancer Patients

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag

It is well established that regional lymph node metastases predicts poor outcome in patients with colorectal cancer. In this project we investigated whether we could optimize regional lymph node diagnostics by examining the most relevant lymph nodes (sentinel lymph nodes) with more sensitive techniques (quantitative PCR). The patients were recruited from 2004 to 2010 and we now have more than 7 years of follow-up. The final results indicate that our more sensitive lymph node assesment (quantitative PCR) identifies patients with poor prognosis, whereas the lymph node selection technique was not optimal in colon cancer.

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

Purpose: To investigate the prognostic value of occult metastases detected by quantitative measurements of candidate biomarkers in sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) from patients curatively resected for colon cancer.

Methods: Resection specimens from consecutive patients undergoing surgery for localized colon cancer were subjected to ex vivo SLN mapping. SLNs were examined for the presence of metastases by routine hematoxylin-erythrosin-safranin (HES) staining and by CK20 and MUC2 mRNA quantification. The patients were stratified according to KRAS / BRAF mutation status and microsatellite instability status in their primary tumors. Survival end-points were analyzed by Kaplan-Meier survival estimates and log-rank tests.

Results: A total of 817 SLNs were identified in 206 (97%) of the 213 included patients. Routine histological examination of SLNs and other regional lymph nodes identified 63 patients with positive nodes (pN+), of which 42 (67%) were positive in one or more SLNs (sensitivity 67%, false negative rate 33%). Based on the CK20 and MUC2 mRNA levels in SLNs, occult metastases were suggested in 86 (60%) and 52 (36%) of the 143 otherwise LN negative (pN0) patients, respectively. Survival analysis with a median 3.6-year follow-up revealed that MUC2 mRNA quantification had significant prognostic value in SLNs from all patients; however, occult SLN metastasis detection did not.

Conclusions: Occult SLN metastases detected by CK20 and MUC2 mRNA quantification had limited prognostic value.


Ex vivo sentinel lymph node mapping

Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR


Aktiv cristin-person

Oddmund Nordgård

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Klinikk for Blod- og Kreftsykdommer ved Helse Stavanger HF - Stavanger universitetssjukehus

Bjørnar Gilje

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Helse Stavanger HF - Stavanger universitetssjukehus

Satu Oltedal

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Klinikk for Blod- og Kreftsykdommer ved Helse Stavanger HF - Stavanger universitetssjukehus

Rune Smaaland

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Klinikk for Blod- og Kreftsykdommer ved Helse Stavanger HF - Stavanger universitetssjukehus

Hartwig Kørner

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Kirurgisk avdeling ved Helse Stavanger HF - Stavanger universitetssjukehus
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