Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 404547
Sist endret: 13. april 2020, 12:24

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 404547
Sist endret: 13. april 2020, 12:24

Norsk LINDSEI (korpus av muntlig norsk L2 engelsk)


Susan Lee Nacey
ved Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk ved Høgskolen i Innlandet

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk ved Høgskolen i Innlandet



Engelsk språk • Språkvitenskapelige fag


Innlærerkorpus • Innlærerengelsk • Korpuslingvistikk • Muntlig engelsk



  • Anvendt forskning
  • Grunnforskning


Start: 1. januar 2010 Slutt: 31. desember 2015

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Norsk LINDSEI (korpus av muntlig norsk L2 engelsk)

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

The Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (LINDSEI) is an international collaborative effort to create a language database allowing for the systematic study of the spoken English of learners with different first languages (L1s). It is a long-term project involving researchers from many academic institutions in different countries. The English section at Hedmark University College (now Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences)was given the responsibility for the development of the Norwegian subcorpus in LINDSEI. At present, the compilation of the Norwegian LINDSEI is nearing completion. The corpus is completed and sent to the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics in Belgium for inclusion in tne second edition of LINDSEI.


Norwegian subcorpus of the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (LINDSEI)


LINDSEI (the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage) is a corpus or electronic collection of the spoken English of learners with different first languages (L1). Each L1 is represented by 50 interviews, which have been transcribed into written texts. The goal of creating a corpus like this is to allow researchers around the world to analyze and compare the English produced by learners with different language backgrounds. The organizer of LINDSEI is The Centre for English Corpus Linguistics (CECL) in Belgium. They already have texts from 11 different L1s, such as French, Swedish, Greek, Polish, etc. This project involves the second stage of LINDSEI, through an expansion to include informants with other L1s. Here we collect 50 student interviews of Norwegian L2 English (from Norwegian students who speak English as a foreign language). The recorded interviews, corresponding transcriptions and information from the learner profiles will be sent to the CECL in Belgium. The CECL will add the Norwegian material to a CD-ROM, a process which is likely to take several years. When finished, this CD-ROM will be available for sale for non-profit educational and/or linguistic research purposes.

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

LINDSEI (the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage) is a corpus or electronic collection of the spoken English of learners with different first languages (L1). Each L1 is represented by 50 interviews, which have been transcribed into written texts. The goal of creating a corpus like this is to allow researchers around the world to analyze and compare the English produced by learners with different language backgrounds. The organizer of LINDSEI is The Centre for English Corpus Linguistics (CECL) in Belgium. They already have texts from 11 different L1s, such as French, Swedish, Greek, Polish, etc. This project involves the second stage of LINDSEI, through an expansion to include informants with other L1s. Here we collect 50 student interviews of Norwegian L2 English (from Norwegian students who speak English as a foreign language). The recorded interviews, corresponding transcriptions and information from the learner profiles will be sent to the CECL in Belgium. The CECL will add the Norwegian material to a CD-ROM, a process which is likely to take several years. When finished, this CD-ROM will be available for sale for non-profit educational and/or linguistic research purposes.


Aktiv cristin-person

Susan Lee Nacey

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk ved Høgskolen i Innlandet

Thomas Laurence Egan

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk ved Høgskolen i Innlandet

Anne-Line Graedler

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for nordisk språk og litteratur ved Høgskolen i Innlandet

Sylvi Rørvik

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for engelsk ved Høgskolen i Innlandet
Aktiv cristin-person

Hege Larsson Aas

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for engelsk ved Høgskolen i Innlandet
1 - 5 av 5

Resultater Resultater

Investigating fluency variables in learner language: Methodological concerns.

Aas, Hege Larsson; Nacey, Susan Lee. 2017, Fourth Learner Corpus Research Conference. HINNVitenskapelig foredrag

Metaphoricity in English L2 learners’ prepositions.

Nacey, Susan Lee; Jensen, Bård Uri. 2017, De Gruyter Mouton. HINNVitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel

Preposition use in oral and written learner language.

Nacey, Susan Lee; Graedler, Anne-Line. 2015, HINNVitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel

Fluency and the Use of Frequent Lexical Bundles in Spoken Texts by Norwegian Non-Native Speakers of English.

Aas, Hege Larsson. 2014, ICSE2014 International Conference on Spoken English: Descriptive and Applied Perspectives. HINNPoster

Phrasal verbs in spoken and written L2 learner English.

Nacey, Susan Lee; Graedler, Anne-Line. 2014, ICAME 35. HINNVitenskapelig foredrag
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