Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 452142
Sist endret: 19. mars 2022, 14:35

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 452142
Sist endret: 19. mars 2022, 14:35

Thriving, Striving, or just Surviving? A study of Motivational Processes among Junior Elite Performers from Sports and Performing Arts


Heidi Marian Haraldsen
ved Avdeling Dans ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Avdeling Dans ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo



Idrettspedagogikk og -psykologi



  • Doktorgradsprosjekt


Start: 1. september 2014 Slutt: 30. juni 2016

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Thriving, Striving, or just Surviving? A study of Motivational Processes among Junior Elite Performers from Sports and Performing Arts

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

Reaching the top in sports and performing arts can be striving. For some elite junior performers, though, the perceived requests and stressors seem to be overwhelming, resulting in dropout, unfulfilled potential, and psychological ill-being. This distinct “dark side” of talent development is an understudied phenomenon. Hence, the purpose of this doctoral thesis was to contribute with deeper insight into the complexity of maladaptive motivational processes of elite junior performers from sports and performing arts. Guided by Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 2017) the present doctoral thesis set out to examine the interplay between personal motivational mentality (who) and contextual conditions (where) in relation to malfunctioning and various debilitative motivational outcomes.





Mixed Methods project



Heidi Marian Haraldsen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Avdeling Dans ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
1 - 1 av 1

Resultater Resultater

Narrative Tensions in Strained Junior Elite Performers' Experiences of Becoming Elite Performers.

Haraldsen, Heidi Marian; Abrahamsen, Frank Eirik; Solstad, Bård Erlend; Halvari, Halgeir. 2021, Frontiers in Psychology. KHIO, USN, NIH, UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

TALENTUTVIKLING SOM DYNAMISK PROSESS - motivasjon, læringsprosesser og psykisk helse hos unge utøvere i talentutviklingsprogrammer innen kunstfag og idrett.

Haraldsen, Heidi Marian. 2020, Kunstner og lærer - Pedagogdager ved Høgskolen Kristiania. KHIOFaglig foredrag

Composites of perfectionism and inauthenticity in relation to controlled motivation, performance anxiety and exhaustion among elite junior performers.

Haraldsen, Heidi M.; Ivarsson, Andreas; Solstad, Bård Erlend; Abrahamsen, Frank Eirik; Halvari, Hallgeir. 2020, European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS). HH, USN, NIH, UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Thriving, Striving, or Just Surviving? TD Learning Conditions, Motivational Processes and Well-Being Among Norwegian Elite Performers in Music, Ballet, and Sport.

Haraldsen, Heidi Marian; Nordin-Bates, Sanna; Abrahamsen, Frank Eirik; Halvari, Halgeir. 2020, Roeper Review. KHIO, USN, GIH, NIH, SVERIGEVitenskapelig artikkel
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