Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 527691
Sist endret: 11. desember 2019, 22:04

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 527691
Sist endret: 11. desember 2019, 22:04

Intra-patient HPV genetic variation -a new and specific marker for cancer development


Hanne Irene Kraus Christiansen
ved Mikrobiologi og Smittevern ved Akershus universitetssykehus HF

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Akershus universitetssykehus HF



Genetikk og genomikk • Bioinformatikk • Klinisk medisinske fag • Onkologi • Medisinsk teknologi • Basale medisinske, odontologiske og veterinærmedisinske fag • Medisinske fag • Medisinsk molekylærbiologi • Helsefag • Medisinsk mikrobiologi • Bioteknologi • Molekylærbiologi


DNA-sekvensering • humant papillomavirus • Livmorhalskreft • Bioteknologi • Biomedisin • DNA-teknologi • Biomarkører • Kreft • Cervix cancer


  • Kreft
  • Infeksjon


  • 1 Underbyggende Forskning
  • 2 Årsaksforhold
  • 4 Påvising, screening og diagnose
  • 2.1 Biologiske og indre faktorer
  • 1.4 Metodologi og målinger
  • 4.1 Oppdaging og preklinisk testing av markører og teknologier
  • 4.2 Evaluering av markører og teknologier



  • Doktorgradsprosjekt


Start: 29. august 2016 Slutt: 31. mai 2020

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Intra-patient HPV genetic variation -a new and specific marker for cancer development

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the etiological agent of cervical cancer and since 2005 HPV testing has been part of the Norwegian cervical cancer screening program. The main challenge, however, is the low clinical specificity of existing HPV tests. This project aims therefore to test two hypotheses:


H1. The level of sequence variation in HPV DNA from cervical cells can be used as a marker for cancer progression.


H2. Cancer risk can be stratified down to the level of genetic variants of HPV types.


These hypotheses will be tested in this PhD project, which is performed as three-part collaboration between The Norwegian HPV Reference Laboratory at Akershus University Hospital (Ahus), Cancer Registry of Norway (CRN) and Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) to combine expertise in HPV, cancer and sequencing.


Two study designs will be used: a prospective follow-up study where HPV variability will be analyzed in samples collected from women at two time points (Study 1), and a case-control study where the HPV genetic variation in low-, high-grade and cancer lesions will be compared (Study 2). Through these studies both the level of HPV genetic variability and variant pattern can be correlated with the patient’s follow-up status in screening and state of cancer progression. Preparation of clinical trials of a more clinically specific HPV test will be the output if findings in this project support the hypotheses. The improvement of HPV diagnostics will alleviate anxiety in HPV positive women in screening, shorten follow-up and ultimately prevent cervical cancer from developing.


Main responsibilities in this PhD project will be sample handling, laboratory techniques (DNA isolation and sequencing), bioinformatics and interpretation of results. Further assignments will be scientific writing and representing data on scientific meetings. The laboratory work will be performed in the laboratory at Ahus and the sequence data processing will take place at CRN once the data is produced.

The NGS-based sequencing method to be used for genotyping HPV types is already developed by the three-part collaboration and the analytical parameters are currently validated. The Illumina MiSeq ( is a desktop sequencer available at the HPV Reference Laboratory, able to produce up to 50 million high quality sequences per run. Well-established HPV primer sets, PGMY09/11 and MGP, are used for genotyping HPV types. These primers amplify a conserved region of the L1 gene in HPV genome, allowing the detection of all relevant HPV infections and their genetic variants. (Gravitt et al., 2000; Söderlund-Strand et al. 2009) With this method all the high-risk HPV types can be studied for HPV genetic diversity. The primer sets have been coupled to a barcoding system allowing up to 1500 samples to be sequenced at a time making the analysis highly cost-effective.

The other NGS method, also developed by the three collaborators, is used for HPV type 16 whole genome sequencing (WGS). This method allows investigation of genetic diversity in the whole HPV genome and determining integration sites in human genome. The HPV DNA is frequently integrated into the host genomes in cancers, which results in lifetime persistence of certain viral genes in the cell (zur Hausen 2002). This method is so far limited to investigating the HPV type 16 but can easily be extended to cover other HPV high-risk types.

Two fundamentally different analysis pipelines that produce HPV type and variant information from the sequence data are established at CRN. The preliminary analyses show that our HPV genotyping method offers high analytical sensitivity and type specificity.

Study design

Study 1               

Study 1 is a prospective follow-up study of intra-patient HPV genetic variation. The material used in a previous publication (Tropé et al., 2012) will be analyzed in this study to compare twin samples collected at two time points. The collection of these samples in the HPV biobank at Ahus has previously received support from HSØ (Ref. no 2769112). Since both LBC and FFPE samples are collected at the second time point, HPV variability in these will also be compared.

Study 2

Study 2 is a case-control study of HPV genetic variance in HPV positive samples with lesions of different severity and cancers. A large collection of samples, using both liquid based cytology (LBC) and formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue, with approval from the Regional Committee for Medical Research Ethics (REK), are available to the project (see Ethical considerations). A random selection of each category will be analyzed.

Statistical power

The following assumptions are made for the power calculation dependent on the sample size. The threshold for SNPs is set to minimum of 10 sequences and the estimation for coefficient of variation is cv=1. The type1 error α for this genome-wide screen is set to 0.001, thus adjusting for multiple testing and calculated the number of samples needed in order to achieve 80% power. 250 twin samples taken at two time points in Study 1 will suffice given that there is a 1.5-fold change in SNP number. Similarly, 370 high-grade lesions vs. 400 normal and 370 low-grade lesions in Study 2 will suffice given that the fold-change in the number of SNPs are >1.5.



Hanne Irene Kraus Christiansen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Mikrobiologi og Smittevern ved Akershus universitetssykehus HF

Trine Ballestad Rounge

  • Tilknyttet:
    Lokalt ansvarlig
    ved Kreftregisteret ved Folkehelseinstituttet

Ole Herman Ambur

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for naturvitenskapelige helsefag ved OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Mikrobiologi og Smittevern ved Akershus universitetssykehus HF
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Akershus universitetssykehus HF
Inaktiv cristin-person

Sonja Lagström

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Universitetet i Oslo
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Kreftregisteret ved Folkehelseinstituttet
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Akershus universitetssykehus HF
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