Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 637853
Sist endret: 22. januar 2021, 09:52

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 637853
Sist endret: 22. januar 2021, 09:52

NON-PROTECTED. The impact of perfluorinated toxicants and the gut microbiome on vaccine responses in children.


Nina Louise Torcelino-Iszatt
ved Smittevern ved Folkehelseinstituttet

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Folkehelseinstituttet


  • Norges forskningsråd
    Prosjektkode: 275903



Epidemiologi medisinsk og odontologisk statistikk


Tarmflora • Miljøkontaminanter • fødselskohort • Immunrespons • Barnehelse • PFAS • Vaksiner


  • Betennelse og immunsystem


  • 2.1 Biologiske og indre faktorer
  • 2.2 Faktorer knyttet til fysisk miljø
  • 3.2 Intervensjoner for å endre fysisk og biologisk miljørisiko
  • 3.4 Vaksiner



  • Anvendt forskning


Nina Iszatt


Start: 1. mars 2018 Slutt: 28. februar 2022

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


NON-PROTECTED. The impact of perfluorinated toxicants and the gut microbiome on vaccine responses in children.

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag

Vaccination programs are one of the greatest successes of medicine, but may now be threatened due to the effects of environmental toxicants on the immune system. A study from the Faroe Islands showed that exposure to the environmental toxicants perfluoralkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), substances found in Gortex, Teflon, water repellent paper and more, were related to children’s antibody response to vaccines. Children exposed to the highest levels of toxicants had a risk that the response was so poor that the vaccines would not provide full protection.

Other factors in modern life, such as Caesarean section and antibiotics, are of concern as it changes the composition of the gut microbiota and reduces diversity. An early encounter with certain bacteria is considered crucial for a well-functioning immune system.

The main purpose of this research project is to investigate whether PFAS, even at lower levels, is of importance for the vaccine response, as well as investigating the role of the gut microbiota for vaccine responses.

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

Vaccinations programs are a success story of modern medicine but may be threatened by an insufficient response to vaccines due to immune depriving factors. Of concern is a recent Faroese study reporting vaccine responses below clinically protective levels observed in children with high exposure to the ubiquitous perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). Another concern is the effect of modern lifestyle, such as mode of delivery and antibiotics, which alters microbial composition and diversity in the gut, an input that is crucial for the development of the immune system and may also affect vaccine responses. Finally, in a pilot study from our group, PFASs affected gut microbiota diversity and composition. Infants may thus be affected by a double hit: an altered gut microbiome, exposure to the ubiquitous PFAS, as well as a possible interaction between the two.

The primary aim of this research proposal is to: i) confirm or refute the Faroese study by investigating the association between PFASs and antibody responses to vaccines; ii) investigate the potential mechanistic roles of gut microbiota and thyroid hormones; and, iii) investigate the role of an aberrant early life gut microbiome towards the mentioned immune outcomes in its own right.

We will utilize several unique birth cohorts, including cohorts with data on PFAS, as well as gut microbiome composition and short chain fatty acids in early life in children now 12 years. The vast amount of existing data and the novel mobilisation of existing health resources will enable a highly cost effective project. The project brings together the requisite multidisciplinary expertise in collaboration with international experts at the very forefront of the research area. We expect that our findings will be of importance for policy makers and could lead to innovative knowledge on the gut microbiome, possibly providing insight in how it can be rebalanced to ensure optimal vaccine responses.


We will utilize several unique birth cohorts, including cohorts with data on PFAS, as well as gut microbiome composition and short chain fatty acids in early life in children now 12 years.


NON-PROTECTED. The impact of perfluorinated toxicants and the gut microbiome on vaccine responses in children (Forskerprosjekt - FRIMEDBIO).

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag

Vaksinasjonsprogrammet er en av medisinens største suksesser, men dens effekt kan nå være truet pga miljøgifters negativ påvirkning på immunforsvaret. En studie fra Færøyene viser at eksponering for miljøgiftene perfluoralkyl- og polyfluoroalkyl-substansene (PFAS), stoffer som finnes i gortex, teflon, vannavstøtende papir med mer, var relatert til responsen på vaksiner. Barn som ble eksponert for de høyeste stoffene hadde en viss risiko for så dårlig respons på tetanus og difteri vaksinene at vaksinene ikke ville gi full god beskyttelse. Andre faktorer ved moderne livsstil, som keisersnitt og antibiotika, er også av bekymring da det forandrer sammensetningen av tarmfloraen og reduserer diversiteten. Ett tidlig møte med visse bakterier regnes som avgjørende for et velfungerende immunforsvar. I tillegg, har vi en tidligere studie vist at eksponering for PFAS påvirker  tarmfloraen hos spedbarn.

Hovedformålet med dette forskningsprosjektet er å undersøke om PFAS er av betydning for vaksine responsen i barndom også ved de mye lavere nivåene vi finner i Norge. Vi vil også studere sammenhengen mellom miljøgifter og allergisk sensibilisering. I tillegg, vil vi undersøke om skjoldbruskhormoner er involvert mekanistisk.

Vi skal bruke fødselskohortene, Den norske morsmelkstudien (HUMIS), NoMIC og to sub-kohorter av Den norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen (MoBa): Miljøbiobanken og HELIX. I dette prosjektet vil vi måle barnas antistoffnivåer for komponenter av DTP (difteri, tetanus og pertussis) og MMR (meslinger, mysk og rubella) vaksine. Vi vil også måle allergisk sensibilisering hos barn og inkorporere data på nyfødte skjoldbruskhormonnivåer fra det nasjonale nyfødt screeningprogrammet.

Når vi kombinere data fra disse unike kohorter får vi god styrke til å undersøke om PFAS har  immunotoksiske effekter i den norske befolkningen. Vi vil også få kunnskap om andre faktorer av betydning for vaksinerespons, og få innsikt i forhold som bidrar til dagens PFAS-eksponering hos barn og ungdom i Norge. Videre vil dette prosjektet gi vitenskapelig forståelse av rollen til tarmfloraen i immunfunksjon hos barn.

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

Vaccinations programs are a success story of modern medicine but may be threatened by an insufficient response to vaccines due to immune depriving factors. Of concern is a recent Faroese study reporting vaccine responses below clinically protective levels observed in children with high exposure to the ubiquitous perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). Another concern is the effect of modern lifestyle, such as mode of delivery and antibiotics, which alters microbial composition and diversity in the gut, an input that is crucial for the development of the immune system and may also affect vaccine responses. Finally, in a pilot study from our group, PFASs affected gut microbiota diversity and composition. Infants may thus be affected by a double hit: an altered gut microbiome, exposure to the ubiquitous PFAS, as well as a possible interaction between the two.

The primary aim of this research proposal is to: i) confirm or refute the Faroese study by investigating the association between PFASs and antibody responses to vaccines; ii) investigate the potential mechanistic roles of gut microbiota and thyroid hormones; and, iii) investigate the role of an aberrant early life gut microbiome towards the mentioned immune outcomes in its own right.

We will utilize several unique birth cohorts, including cohorts with data on PFAS, as well as gut microbiome composition and short chain fatty acids in early life in children now 12 years. The vast amount of existing data and the novel mobilisation of existing health resources will enable a highly cost effective project. The project brings together the requisite multidisciplinary expertise in collaboration with international experts at the very forefront of the research area. We expect that our findings will be of importance for policy makers and could lead to innovative knowledge on the gut microbiome, possibly providing insight in how it can be rebalanced to ensure optimal vaccine responses.



We will utilize several unique birth cohorts, including cohorts with data on PFAS, as well as gut microbiome composition and short chain fatty acids in early life in children now 12 years.


Aktiv cristin-person

Nina Louise Torcelino-Iszatt

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Smittevern ved Folkehelseinstituttet

Merete Åse Eggesbø

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Audun Aase

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    ved Avdeling for metodeutvikling og analyse ved Folkehelseinstituttet

Johanna Eva Bodin

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Berit Brunstad Granum

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