Cristin-resultat-ID: 1192919
Sist endret: 21. januar 2015, 16:10
Vitenskapelig foredrag

Polyelectrolyte complex-based microcapsules for transplantation of encapsulated allogeneic islets in baboons

  • Meirigeng Qi
  • Gabriela Hloušková
  • Yong Wang
  • Matthew A. Bochenek
  • Enza Marchese
  • James J. McGarrigle
  • mfl.


Navn på arrangementet: Macro 2014
Sted: Chiang Mai
Dato fra: 6. juli 2014
Dato til: 11. juli 2014


Arrangørnavn: The IUPAC World Polymer Congress

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig foredrag
Publiseringsår: 2014

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Polyelectrolyte complex-based microcapsules for transplantation of encapsulated allogeneic islets in baboons


Abstract Diabetes treatment by transplantation of encapsulated islets is considered as one of the future strategies for continuous control of blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Studies involving large animal models are an important bridge between feasibility studies in rodents and clinical trials. This study presents a model for transplantation of encapsulated allogeneic islets in baboons using a laparoscopic procedure. The polyelectrolyte complex-based microcapsules composed of sodium alginate, sodium cellulose sulfate and poly(methyleneco-guanidine) was employed. In total ten baboon pancreata were used to harvest islets and encapsulated islets were then transplanted into two diabetic recipients. The first baboon received two transplantations of encapsulated islets (total 4,800 IEQ/kg), while the second baboon received three transplantations (total 29,600 IEQ/kg). Neither baboon achieved insulin-independence nor euglycemia. However, some islet function was present with decreased levels of exogenous insulin and positive C-peptide levels recorded. In the first recipient, clumped microcapsules were observed 14 days after the first transplantation. In contrast, the second recipient had free-floating microcapsules containing viable islets detected for up to 55 days (the end of study) after transplantation. Post-transplant histology and islet viability indicated that this type of microcapsule can prevent allogeneic rejection in streptozotocin-induced diabetic baboons. The potential of this microcapsule to activate complement and inflammatory cytokine secretion was evaluated in baboon whole blood. Both a low complement activation and cytokine secretion indicated a low inflammatory potential by these microcapsules in baboons. Keywords: diabetes, allotransplantation of encapsulated islets, large animal model Chiang Mai, Thailand: IUPAC, 2014, o-16:


Meirigeng Qi

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved University of Illinois at Chicago

Gabriela Hloušková

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Slovenská Akadémia Vied

Yong Wang

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved University of Illinois at Chicago

Matthew A. Bochenek

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved University of Illinois at Chicago

Enza Marchese

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved University of Illinois at Chicago
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