Cristin-resultat-ID: 1379303
Sist endret: 8. september 2016, 12:59
Vitenskapelig foredrag

The impact of the fine structure reactor formulation in the Eddy Dissipation Concept for MILD combustion modelling

  • Michał Lewandowski og
  • Ivar Ståle Ertesvåg


Navn på arrangementet: 11th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements
Sted: Palermo
Dato fra: 21. september 2016
Dato til: 23. september 2016


Arrangørnavn: ERCOFTAC

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig foredrag
Publiseringsår: 2016



Turbulent reagerende strømning

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


The impact of the fine structure reactor formulation in the Eddy Dissipation Concept for MILD combustion modelling


This article presents results of investigation of the Eddy Dissipation Concept (EDC) in the regime of Moderate and Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion. In the past years extensive numerical and experimental investigations have been carried out on MILD combustion. Due to the special MILD features, where chemical and turbulence time scales are comparable and the Damkohler number is close to the unity, ¨ conditions are far from the flamelet regime. Therefore, numerical studies were mainly focused on the two turbulence-chemistry interaction models: EDC and Transported PDF. Both approaches have ability to incorporate detailed chemical kinetics, though the latter one is associated with a higher computational cost. The first one, however, was reported to overpredict the maximum temperature and was a subject of several modifications in case of MILD regime. Most of the proposed approaches concern changes in turbulence cascade model constants, what indeed improves the results but rises question to the generality of this approach. On the other hand changed constants may not be consistent with the experiments they were originally derived on. In the present work different modelling approaches of EDC with standard and modified constants are investigated and the importance of each effect is outlined. We focused on the description of the fine structure reactor model and we discussed the use of different reactor models and their inflow conditions that seem to play a significant role. The calculations were carried out with the use of Ansys Fluent (AF) and open source software OpenFOAM (OF). The main test case was the Delft-Jet-in-Hot-Coflow burner emulating MILD regime.


Michał Lewandowski

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Politechnika Gdanska

Ivar Ståle Ertesvåg

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
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