Cristin-resultat-ID: 1775156
Sist endret: 16. januar 2020, 15:54
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Materializing the Narrative: Multimodal Novels as Test Case for a Media-Ecological Narratology

  • Natalia Igl


Navn på arrangementet: 2019 International Conference on Narrative
Sted: Pamplona
Dato fra: 30. mai 2019
Dato til: 1. juni 2019


Arrangørnavn: International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN)

Om resultatet

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Publiseringsår: 2019

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Materializing the Narrative: Multimodal Novels as Test Case for a Media-Ecological Narratology


Today's multimodal novels - that is, novels that integrate images and visual forms into the narration and utilise the pictorial quality of script - emphasize the media-specific possibilities of the printed book. By foregrounding the novel's materiality, they often involve the reader in a meta-reflection on the compositional, material and social practices of writing and reading narratives. "S" by J.J. Abrams and Dough Dorst (2013), for instance, presents itself as a library copy of a fictive author's novel and confronts the reader with different physical documents enclosed as loose inserts as well as marginalia by 'prior readers' starting a dialogue and dispute over the very book. The turn to the materiality of narrative and the foregrounded 'aesthetic of bookishness' (Pressmann 2009) can be seen as a self-confident plea for the printed book in the digital age. Against this backdrop, my talk presents contemporary multimodal novels as a test case for a media-ecological narratology.


Natalia Igl

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