Cristin result ID: 1826138
Last modified: August 31, 2020, 5:21 PM

It's the Dawkins Kardashian Stela. A Pastiche on Documentation of Artistic Research

  • Bjørn Jørund Blikstad



Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
NVI-level 0

About the result

Year of publication: 2019
Number of pages: 66
ISBN: 978-82-7038-400-6
Open Access

Description Description


It's the Dawkins Kardashian Stela. A Pastiche on Documentation of Artistic Research


Abstract: Artistic Research is a journey and a stela is a monument that marks an important event. The ancient Greek Herma is a particular one that marks territorial boundaries or crossroads, meaning that travel is not trivial and should be aided by divine blessings. This catalogue reports the erection of a metaphorical or virtual signpost that marks ambiguous directions by complex/complicated symbolical reinterpretations. The attempt of the project is to convey that documentation has agency on the choice at the crossroads, and makes a direct comparison between the agency of documentation and ancient embodiments of divine aid. The continued research question, not elaborated on in this report, is what resistance to this help would mean. Description: A para-work for curious cabinets, part of the phd project Level Up. A pastiche on documentation of artistic research informed by woodcarving and bas reliefs of Richard Dawkins, Kim Kardashian, the Tron Guy, Venus from Willendorf, Grace Jones, Ptah & Sekhmet, a black hole, a paradise bird and a Pleiadian Beamship.


Active cristin-person

Bjørn Jørund Blikstad

  • Affiliation:
    at Design at Oslo National Academy of the Arts
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