Cristin-resultat-ID: 1912752
Sist endret: 31. mai 2021, 10:17
Annen presentasjon

Mediating Uncertainties #1 : Lecture by Susan Schuppli

  • Sara Eliassen


Navn på arrangementet: Mediating Uncertainties #1 : Lecture by Susan Schuppli
Sted: Zoom
Dato fra: 28. januar 2021


Arrangørnavn: Sara Eliassen, Avdeling Kunstakademiet, KHiO

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Annen presentasjon
Publiseringsår: 2021

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Mediating Uncertainties #1 : Lecture by Susan Schuppli


Susan Schuppli´s presentation is the first event in the lecture series Mediating Uncertainties, part of Sara Eliassen´s PhD project at the Academy of Fine Arts, KHiO. In Mediating Uncertainties Eliassen invites writers and practitioners to respond through their own practices to the questions and themes at the core of her ongoing PhD project in artistic research. Thinking around how ideology is normalized through contemporary images, technologies and moving image culture, the project aims to explore how image- and screen materials can be used to question and counter dominant versions of recent histories. If following on from Marshall McLuhan’s observations that form became content in the twentieth century, what modes of aesthetic resistance could be mobilised today, bearing in mind the many different contexts and urgencies we now face? How might we subvert documents of the past and archival materials with the explicit aim of undoing certain subjectivities, to build new political imaginaries? This might require strategies that operate beyond a conception of simply producing an alternate narrative or making a counter move. How might we multiply narratives, connections, methods and techniques in order to rethink how knowledges and histories are being produced? In attempting this, the project also seeks to explore the apparatuses of circulation we use, and the possibilities of developing new channels of distribution.


Aktiv cristin-person

Sara Eliassen

  • Tilknyttet:
    Faglig ansvarlig
    ved Avdeling Kunstakademiet ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
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