Cristin-resultat-ID: 1925563
Sist endret: 12. august 2021, 12:30
Faglig kapittel

Stavkyrkjepreika i gammalnorsk homiliebok

  • Odd Einar Haugen


A Lifetime Dedicated to Norwegian Language and Literature
  • 978-606-37-1027-8


Presa Universitară Clujeană
NVI-nivå 1

Om resultatet

Faglig kapittel
Publiseringsår: 2021
Sider: 130 - 139
  • 978-606-37-1027-8


Fagfelt (NPI)

Fagfelt: Nordisk
- Fagområde: Humaniora

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Stavkyrkjepreika i gammalnorsk homiliebok


The stave church sermon in the Old Norwegian Homily Book. There is a striking resemblance between Biserica Cizer in Cluj (Ill. 1) and Norwegian stave churches, as represented by the one from Høre in Valdres (Ill. 2). Even if these churches have been built in different periods and in different ways, the wooden architecture of Romania and Norway has obvious similarities, in spite of the geographical distance. The remaining 28 Norwegian stave churches testify to a building technique which is unique. On a sill frame, syllstokkar, staves were raised and kept together by horizontal beams, on which the roof was set up by trusses. In the Old Norwegian Homily Book, written shortly after 1200 (Ill. 3), the renowned stavechurch homily (Ill. 5) offers a detailed allegorical interpretation of the various building elements in the stave church, as shown in Ill. 6 and 7, and Table 1. The elements correspond on one level to the church as a community and on another level to the individual Christian. The text of the Homily Book has now been made available through the Editio latissima project. The diplomatic rendering of the Old Norwegian text can be displayed side by side with the photographic facsimile (Ill. 4), as well as with the translation into modern Norwegian (Ill. 7). Each word can be shown with full morphological annotation, i.e. its lemma (the entry in a dictionary) and its grammatical form. Hopefully, this will add to the longevity of this remarkable homily and its context.


Odd Einar Haugen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for lingvistiske, litterære og estetiske studier ved Universitetet i Bergen
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A Lifetime Dedicated to Norwegian Language and Literature .

Øverland, Fartein Thorsen; Dreve, Roxana-Ema; Pop, Raluca; Duinea, Raluca-Daniela. 2021, Presa Universitară Clujeană. Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
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