Cristin-resultat-ID: 1953288
Sist endret: 10. november 2021, 14:51
Annen presentasjon

Borderlines: Performance lecture - Vienna

  • Manuel Pelmus


Navn på arrangementet: 20 years of TGW. Past/Present/Future
Sted: Vienna
Dato fra: 8. oktober 2021
Dato til: 9. oktober 2021


Arrangørnavn: TGW Studios

Om resultatet

Annen presentasjon
Publiseringsår: 2021

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Borderlines: Performance lecture - Vienna


In Borderlines, Manuel Pelmuș revisits past performances and personal histories and aggregates notions of visibility and invisibility in connection to history and politics of representation. These histories playfully move back and forth in time and space, updating and reflecting on the notion of boundaries, whether they are boundaries between states or boundaries between artistic disciplines. The artist uses his own memories of the volatility of borders, also in regard to the fall of the Berlin wall. Pelmuș’s lecture, which will be performed in absolute darkness, addresses the ascendency of visual perception and reflects on the dominant economy of presence. In doing so, he will refer to his solo Preview, which was also performed in absolute darkness.


Manuel Pelmus

  • Tilknyttet:
    Faglig ansvarlig
    ved Avdeling Kunstakademiet ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
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