Cristin-resultat-ID: 1968639
Sist endret: 15. desember 2021, 09:45

Novel AR solutions in media. Customer perception of augmented reality in media applications – possibilities for new service innovations

  • Aino Mensonen
  • Christian Persson
  • Terje Stafseng
  • Ravi Vatrapu og
  • Ørn S Kaldalons



VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Om resultatet

Publiseringsår: 2013
Antall sider: 62
ISBN: 978-951-38-8052-1

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Novel AR solutions in media. Customer perception of augmented reality in media applications – possibilities for new service innovations


A project titled ‘Customer Perception of Augmented Reality (AR) in Media Applica- tions – Possibilities for New Service Innovations’ was carried out, with participants from all of the Nordic countries. The project addressed the fact that the magazine and newspaper business is set to change dramatically as printed products en- counter two specific challenges: a) increasing competition from other media and b) changes in media-consumption habits caused by growth in the use of smartphones and tablets, such as instant access and digital delivery. The changing market environment for print-media products also opens new opportunities for using tech- nologies such as AR to create innovative applications and hence add business value. To investigate the opportunities for service development within this area, we conducted a study of the state of the art to review the theoretical concepts relevant for better understanding of the macro-level societal trends and business potential of augmented reality for print products. Selected cases of augmented reality for print products were then presented. The next phase of the project consisted of a Nordic empirical study of user per- ceptions of AR applications. Focus-group interviews were used to collect partici- pants’ statements about the use of AR technology. These statements were then ranked by means of the Q-sort method. Factor-analysis methods were applied with the objective of understanding the similarities among participants’ answers. The results indicated that AR was seen as useful, beneficial, attractive, interesting, and fascinating and as possessing the ‘wow’ factor. Some considered AR’s usage time-consuming, while others deemed it time-saving. Another finding is that stand- ards seem to be lacking both for the user interface and on the business-handling side. Participants saw AR as offering great possibility for innovation. People would like to try the applications, and they would indeed find time for using them. Expec- tations set for AR applications are high. Stemming from the interview and Q-sort, an innovation workshop was organized for the 19 industrial and academic partners of the project. The brain storming session aimed at producing new innovative service concept ideas of AR in printed media. Thirty four different ideas were generated in the workshop. The industrial partners were encouraged to select one idea for further development and produce a pilot. The pilots as well as the development process and experiences where presented as a part of the end seminar.


Aino Mensonen

  • Tilknyttet:

Christian Persson

  • Tilknyttet:

Terje Stafseng

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for design ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Ravi Vatrapu

  • Tilknyttet:

Ørn S Kaldalons

  • Tilknyttet:
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