Cristin-resultat-ID: 2033996
Sist endret: 21. september 2022, 14:15
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie

Digital Transformation in Norwegian Enterprises

  • Patrick Mikalef og
  • Elena Parmiggiani



NVI-nivå 1

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Publiseringsår: 2022
Antall sider: 196
ISBN: 978-3-031-05275-0
Open Access



Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi

Fagfelt (NPI)

Fagfelt: IKT
- Fagområde: Realfag og teknologi

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Digital Transformation in Norwegian Enterprises


This open access book presents a number of case studies on digital transformation in Norway, one of the fore-runners in the digital progress index established by the European Commission in 2020. They explore the process of adoption, diffusion and value generation from digital technologies, and how the use of different digital solutions has enabled Norwegian enterprises to digitally transform their operations and business models. The book starts with an introductory chapter summarizing a vast body of literature in order to synthesize what is already known about digital transformation before exploring the Norwegian context in more detail. Then a series of case studies from the private and public sector in Norway is presented. They document a process perspective which describes the sequence of events during and after adoption of digital solutions, as well as the types of business value that were realized. Through these single studies, the process of digital transformation is illustrated, a number of key findings highlighted, and eventually theoretical and practical recommendations based on these cases emphasized. The book closes with a brief overview of some emerging technologies, and comments on how they are likely to change different sectors. Digital transformation has been one of the priority areas for the Norwegian government over the past years and puts Norwegian enterprises upfront in adopting novel technologies and utilizing them for achieving organizational goals. This experience accumulated over the years makes the Norwegian context a particularly interesting one in understanding how private and public organizations make use of new digital solutions, what lessons can be learnt during the process, and what are some of the key success and failure factors. This way the book is written for practitioners who are currently involved in digital transformation projects in their organizations, researchers of information systems and management, as well as master students in degrees of informatics and technology management.


Aktiv cristin-person

Patrik Mikalef

Bidragsyterens navn vises på dette resultatet som Patrick Mikalef
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for datateknologi og informatikk ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Elena Parmiggiani

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for datateknologi og informatikk ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
1 - 2 av 2

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