Cristin-resultat-ID: 2051951
Sist endret: 5. juni 2023, 11:13
NVI-rapporteringsår: 2022
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel

Design and Implementation of Mechatronics Home Lab for Undergraduate Mechatronics Teaching

  • Jørgen Borge
  • Martin Sauar Wad
  • Martin Bjaadal Økter
  • Morten Ottestad
  • Morten H. Rudolfsen og
  • Jing Zhou


2022 IEEE 17th International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA)
  • 978-1-6654-9572-1


IEEE conference proceedings
NVI-nivå 1


IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation
ISSN 1948-3449
NVI-nivå 1

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Publiseringsår: 2022
Hefte: 2022
Sider: 291 - 296
  • 978-1-6654-9572-1
Open Access


Fagfelt (NPI)

Fagfelt: IKT
- Fagområde: Realfag og teknologi

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Design and Implementation of Mechatronics Home Lab for Undergraduate Mechatronics Teaching


The field of mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering, where the combination of physical components and theory from several engineering fields is applied to build complex machines. Mechatronics education is an active learning process through practical laboratory exercises and problem-based learning. This paper presents the design and implementation of a mechatronics home lab to support undergraduate mechatronics teaching. The purpose is to support theoretical teaching in mechatronics with a low-cost, 3D-printable platform where the students can experiment and practice instrumentation and control theory with a practical problem-based approach. Five projects were introduced for experiment implementation of the developed home lab. Throughout these experiments, it is intended to facilitate the understanding of theories and concepts in mechatronics, and enhance the ability to design and implementation of experiments, the collection and analysis of data, and the conducting of simulation in MATLAB.


Jørgen Borge

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap ved Universitetet i Agder

Martin Sauar Wad

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap ved Universitetet i Agder

Martin Bjaadal Økter

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap ved Universitetet i Agder

Morten Ottestad

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap ved Universitetet i Agder

Morten H. Rudolfsen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap ved Universitetet i Agder
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2022 IEEE 17th International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA).

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