Cristin-resultat-ID: 2060099
Sist endret: 10. oktober 2022, 13:53
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PhD-workshop during Include conference Durham, UK

  • Marieke Elisabeth van der Star


Navn på arrangementet: PhD-workshop during Include conference Durham, UK
Sted: Durham
Dato fra: 15. september 2022
Dato til: 15. september 2022


Arrangørnavn: Include / Durham University

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig foredrag
Publiseringsår: 2022

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PhD-workshop during Include conference Durham, UK


Background and motivation The Include research conference in Durham 14th-15th September is entitled Climate Emergency! Energy Crisis! A symposium on responsibility, inclusion and place-based action. In connection with this, on the second day of the conference, we are organising an exclusive workshop for selected PhD students within Include, as well as for external students working with related themes. The goal is to share and discuss theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects related to the study of socially inclusive and just transitions, so as to inspire each student in their work. Based on the outcome of the workshop and students’ own motivation, we are also proposing that the group considers the production of a perspective article. Three guiding themes/questions for the workshop (1) How to define and measure justice in a time of crisis? How does research on different sectors employ the notion, and what are the challenges when applying justice in empirical work? (2) What wider issues (e.g., structural inequalities) may be lost out of sight as we study justice aspects related to specific policies and interventions? (How to we systematically consider knock-on justice risks and benefits between projects) (3) How do we understand the potential merit of increased ‘inclusion’ in light of questions 1 and 2?


Marieke Elisabeth van der Star

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi ved Universitetet i Oslo
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