Cristin-resultat-ID: 2116512
Sist endret: 13. februar 2024, 11:54
NVI-rapporteringsår: 2024
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Energy Performance Certificates and the Capitalization of Utility Costs in Rents: The Potential Role of Asymmetric Information and Uncertainty

  • Aras Khazal og
  • Ole Jakob Sønstebø


Energy Journal
ISSN 0195-6574
e-ISSN 1944-9089
NVI-nivå 1

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig artikkel
Publiseringsår: 2024
Trykket: 2024
Volum: 45
Hefte: 1
Sider: 105 - 125

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Energy Performance Certificates and the Capitalization of Utility Costs in Rents: The Potential Role of Asymmetric Information and Uncertainty


This paper is the first to investigate the relationship between the energy efficiency of dwellings, measured by the energy performance certificate (EPC), and utility cost inclusion in rental prices. First, we investigate potential drivers behind the decision to include utility costs in rents. We find that labeled dwellings are more likely to include utility costs and that this likelihood is higher among energy-efficient dwellings than among inefficient dwellings. Next, we surprisingly find that utility costs seem to be under-capitalized in energy-inefficient dwellings. These results are confirmed with the counterfactual decomposition approach. Overall, the findings indicate that the EPC labeling policy may be important for both landlord and tenant decision-making and may enhance market efficiency.


Aktiv cristin-person

Aras Khazal

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved NTNU Handelshøyskolen ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Ole Jakob Sønstebø

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved NTNU Handelshøyskolen ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
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