Cristin-resultat-ID: 2141644
Sist endret: 22. mai 2023, 09:48

Bedre beskyttelse for voldsutsatte flyktninger og innvandrere

  • Meltem Yilmaz Sener
  • Zubia Willmann Robleda
  • Norma Wong og
  • Anne Brit Hatleskog



VID vitenskapelige høgskole
NVI-nivå 0


VID Rapport
ISSN 2464-3777

Om resultatet

Publiseringsår: 2023
Volum: 2023
Hefte: 1
Antall sider: 144
ISBN: 978-82-8456-000-7
Open Access

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Bedre beskyttelse for voldsutsatte flyktninger og innvandrere


This is a project on the needs for protection and crisis center services for newly arrived refugees and immigrants who are exposed to negative social control, honor-related violence, and other domestic violence. The project gives insights about the additional needs of protection for this group, to what extent these needs are being met by different institutions in the support system, and in what ways the system can be improved. With this project, we have produced knowledge which will support the follow-up of this group as well as providing insight and tools for the provision of services. We thank the Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) for giving us the opportunity to do research in this very sensitive and crucial area. It has been both a challenging and a rewarding experience for our research team. We would also like to thank all our informants who have agreed to participate in our research and have given us their valuable time. Additionally, we thank the members of our reference group who have participated in our meetings: Janne Waagbø from Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet (Bufdir), Ragnhild Elise Johansen from Nasjonalt Kunnskapssenter om Vold og Traumatisk Stress (NKVTS), Margrethe Stensland from NAV Rogaland, and Katrine Bakke Lossius and Aimar Alkholt from Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet (IMDi) who participated in the reference group meetings. The project has been carried out by researchers from the Center for Intercultural Communication (SIK) at VID Specialized University. Meltem Yilmaz Sener has been the leader of the project. Zubia Willman Robleda, Oleksandr Ryndyk, Anne Brit Hatleskog, Norma Wong, and Meltem Yilmaz Sener have participated in the data collection. Yilmaz Sener, Willman Robleda, Hatleskog, and Wong have also participated in the writing of the report. Finally, Hugrun Osk Gudjonsdottir and Maria Tendenes have participated in the completion of the report.


Meltem Yilmaz Sener

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    ved Senter for interkulturell kommunikasjon ved VID vitenskapelige høgskole
Inaktiv cristin-person

Zubia Willmann Robleda

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    ved Senter for interkulturell kommunikasjon ved VID vitenskapelige høgskole
Aktiv cristin-person

Norma Wong

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Senter for interkulturell kommunikasjon ved VID vitenskapelige høgskole

Anne Brit Hatleskog

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Senter for interkulturell kommunikasjon ved VID vitenskapelige høgskole
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