Cristin-resultat-ID: 2197975
Sist endret: 1. desember 2023, 13:34
Vitenskapelig foredrag

Materiality of Ink

  • Victoria Rowena Browne


Navn på arrangementet: Materiality of Colour
Sted: KHiO Biblioteket
Dato fra: 6. november 2023
Dato til: 6. november 2023


Arrangørnavn: Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig foredrag
Publiseringsår: 2023

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Materiality of Ink


In this one-day seminar at KHiO, international leading experts in their academic, artistic, manufacturing, and scientific fields of research will respond to Barbara Balfour’s Inkling, Thinking About Ink (2022). "Something about the visual apprehension of ink, something about the haptic nature of ink, something about ink as a substance in and of itself, something about how printmakers are drawn to ink, it’s an inkling I have.'’ Barbara Balfour (2022). In this one-day seminar at KHiO, international leading experts in their academic, artistic, manufacturing, and scientific fields of research, respond to Barbara Balfour’s Inkling: thinking about ink (2022). An exhibition of material artefacts embodying guest speakers' presentations, is located in KHiO's library and reception, and will be accessible for attendees during the seminar. Artists are drawn to the haptic and visual presence of ink in the workshop, but now also question the socio-political and environmental impact of sourcing materials within a global distribution. For example, what are the ethical considerations when mining lapis lazuli in Afghanistan, to be ground into blue pigment? In addition, with a reduction in craft making of artists’ colours, and an increase in mass manufacturing of inorganic and synthetic pigments, there is now an ‘inkling’ amongst printmakers to suggest that the materiality of ink has also transformed, perhaps even diminished. SCHEDULE 10.00 - Introduction 10.15 - Barbara Balfour 11.00 - Michael Craine 11.45 - Lunch 12.30 - Carinna Parraman 13.15 - Marte Johnslien 14.00 - Break 14.15 - Q&A with speakers 14.45 - Finish (with 15 minute leeway)


Victoria Rowena Browne

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    ved Avdeling Kunst og håndverk ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
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