Cristin-resultat-ID: 2203817
Sist endret: 4. januar 2024, 10:21
NVI-rapporteringsår: 2023
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Developmental origins of health and disease knowledge is associated with diet quality in preconception young adult men and women

  • Lorentz Salvesen
  • Erlend Larsen Valen
  • Andrew Keith Wills
  • Elisabet Rudjord Hillesund
  • Frøydis Nordgård Vik
  • Dagrun Engeset
  • mfl.


Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
ISSN 2040-1744
e-ISSN 2040-1752
NVI-nivå 1

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig artikkel
Publiseringsår: 2023
Publisert online: 2023
Open Access


Scopus-ID: 2-s2.0-85179409581

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Developmental origins of health and disease knowledge is associated with diet quality in preconception young adult men and women


The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) approach supports that nutritional exposures in early life affect an individual’s later health and risk of disease. Dietary exposure during the preconception period may also influence individual, and inter- and transgenerational health and disease risk, in both men and women. This study aimed to describe knowledge of the DOHaD approach (DOHaDKNOWLEDGE) and diet quality in preconception young adults in Norway, to assess associations between DOHaDKNOWLEDGE and a Diet Quality Score (DQS), and to assess gender differences in those above. Data from 1362 preconception young adults was obtained from the PREPARED study baseline dataset. The sample had 88% women participants, a mean age of 27 years, 36% had overweight or obesity, and 77% had higher level of education. DOHaDKNOWLEDGE was assessed by the participants’ agreement to five statements using a Likert scale. Diet quality was assessed using aspects of diet quality and a DQS derived from a dietary screener. We found moderate level of both DOHaDKNOWLEDGE (12/20 points) and diet quality (DQS: 60/100 points), indicating potential for improvements. Specifically, the greatest potential for diet quality improvements were observed for sugary foods, red and processed meats, legumes, and unsalted nuts and seeds. Gender differences were observed for both DOHaDKNOWLEDGE and diet quality. DOHaDKNOWLEDGE was positively associated with DQS, adjusted for sociodemographic factors, with little evidence of an interaction effect by gender. This study indicates that knowledge of the DOHaD approach is positively associated with diet quality in preconception young men and women. Future studies should consider incorporating pregnancy intentions, relationship status, and health literacy.


Lorentz Salvesen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for ernæring og folkehelse ved Universitetet i Agder

Erlend Nuland Valen

Bidragsyterens navn vises på dette resultatet som Erlend Larsen Valen
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for ernæring og folkehelse ved Universitetet i Agder

Andrew Keith Wills

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for ernæring og folkehelse ved Universitetet i Agder

Elisabet Rudjord Hillesund

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for ernæring og folkehelse ved Universitetet i Agder
Aktiv cristin-person

Frøydis Nordgård Vik

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for ernæring og folkehelse ved Universitetet i Agder
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