Cristin-resultat-ID: 2217577
Sist endret: 26. desember 2023, 14:32
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Changing habits for sustainable food systems (Parallel session during the NTNU European Conference 2023).

  • Eva Falch


Navn på arrangementet: 7th NTNU European Conference. The future guiding the present - The role of R&I and Education in Navigating current and incoming EU- challenges
Sted: Brussel
Dato fra: 8. februar 2023
Dato til: 9. februar 2023


Arrangørnavn: NTNU

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Publiseringsår: 2023

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Changing habits for sustainable food systems (Parallel session during the NTNU European Conference 2023).


Parallel Session 4 - Changing Habits for Sustainable Food Systems Chair: Eva Falch, NTNU The whole food system needs changes in order to secure food for the future. The willingness to change among actors in society is increasing, but does this entail a real change of habits? What are the roles of the different actors in this transformation? In the meantime, world population has reached 8 billion in 2022. We continue to waste, overconsume, eat food from scarce resources and food that gives a negative climate budget. The Farm to Fork Strategy and its action plan deal with these issues. It sets out 27 different policy initiatives affecting the whole system and its actors. More than two years after the implementation of the strategy, some action points are implemented, while others are in the pipeline. Some are more challenging than others. In this session we will approach: Are we in line with the goals for sustainable food? Can resources from the Ocean alleviate the food crisis? What are the complicated tasks? Can we expect an agreement on sustainability labelling? What is the approach for succeeding in consumer acceptance of reformulated and processed food? Will we accept resources from side streams or original resources in our future food? How can the R&I and Education communities take part in this necessary change of habits? How are the food actors involved? What is the speed of change concerning consumers and other actors in the food system, and what is the needed speed? And finally: Will we succeed in changing our habits? Speakers and Keynote Titles: Irène Tolleret, MEP Marleen Onwezen, Scientific Expertise Leader, Consumer Behaviour at Wageningen University & Research “Consumers' willingness to change?” Tom Gilbert, Professor of Palaeogenomics, Director, Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics “The holofood project – science as a driver for change in the animal production industry” Laurent Bontoux, Senior Foresight for Policy Expert at European Commission Joint Research Centre “Key challenges for the transition towards a sustainable food system” Paolo Patruno, Deputy Secretary General CLITRAVI - European Meat Processing Association “Perspective of the EU meat processors on food system transformation” Hélène-Diane Dage, Deputy Head of Unit DG GROW Food, Retail, Health, European Commission "THE EU CODE OF CONDUCT ON RESPONSIBLE FOOD BUSINESS AND MARKETING PRACTICES: A common aspirational path towards sustainable food systems" 10:45 - 11:55 : Keynote Presentations 11:55 - 12:15 : Panel Debate Room: Salon


Eva Falch

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for bioteknologi og matvitenskap ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
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