Cristin-resultat-ID: 2242315
Sist endret: 1. februar 2024, 22:35
Visuell kunst

‘A New Language’ Porcelain wall sculpture

  • Arild Berg


Craft Hub

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Visuell kunst
Publiseringsår: 2023

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‘A New Language’ Porcelain wall sculpture


Culture & Context “Out of the blue” is a site-specific exhibition of the project “Blue Collar – White Collar”. The artist group AvArt, who formely the shared Studio AvArt, thematize crafts in the age of technology. Efficiency, productivity, and digitalisation are well-known terms for value creation in our time. Technological development has changed human labour. Craftmanship, the work of the hand, is changing and challenged. What value does good craftmanship have if a machine can do it better and faster? A conceptual framework for the project has been to work with blue and white colours, as this has deep roots in the history of ceramics. The exhibition draws a line from today’s discussion to the first industrial revolution, where the Arts & Crafts movement became a counterforce to industrialisation. Site-specific versions of the project have been shown at Nääs Konsthantverk, Gothenburg (2017), Buskerud Kunstsenter, Drammen (2018), the national exhibition ‘Crafts 2018’, Fredrikstad, and at the Korean International Ceramics Biennale (2019).Arild Berg. In the exhibition Out of the Blue, he shows stripes in three wall sculptures casted in porcelain. This artistic research is based on an article he wrote with Karen Disen, KhiO; Stripes – in light of Schiller’s concepts of human foundations in form (2018), FormAkademisk. The works are Signs, A New Language and Contradictions (2022).


Aktiv cristin-person

Arild Skarsfjord Berg

Bidragsyterens navn vises på dette resultatet som Arild Berg
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for produktdesign ved OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet
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