Cristin-resultat-ID: 2243418
Sist endret: 5. februar 2024, 15:50
Visuell kunst


  • Susanne Winterling


MOOS fine art
Zurich, Switzerland

Om resultatet

Visuell kunst
Publiseringsår: 2023

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MOOS fine art is delighted to present its inaugural exhibition, COSMOS. A group show dedicated to the work of contemporary artists who approach the vast thematic spectrum of the Universe. Presenting an international and diverse group of artists who make an attempt in their own unique fashion to interpret, comprehend and position themselves within the megacosm. Using a plethora of materials and perspectives, COSMOS sheds light on the multifarious narratives and pictorial approaches that touch upon nature, society, psychology, fantasy and culture. The Madrid-based Sandra Val recombines architectural elements with everyday items, to create stories and dialogues that resonate with ideas about deep time and space. Also based in Madrid, the multidisciplinary artist, Ana de Alvear works mainly in video and colour pencil. In her series “SPACETIME”, her vivid drawings attempt the impossible; fixing a moment of deep time and capturing the split seconds of the universe. Spanish born painter, Oscar Seco weaves art historical references with stylistic elements form pop culture to make fantastical and vivid scenes that are once deeply personal and historically emotive. The time-based installations of Susanne M Winterling critically engage the representation of reality. Encompassing modernistic concepts, power structures and hierarchical historiographies. The work of Alejandro Botubol focuses on light and illumination, highlighting the duality between natural and artificial light it builds on the sensorial experience of space, color and perception to investigate the materiality of light. Influenced by the painters of the Flemish Renaissance, the work of Patricia Mateo can be seen as a perpetual investigation into her environment, society and her place within it. For her it comes down to a question of perspective, allowing the viewers to fortify the work with the strength of their own imagination. Blurring the line between designer and artist, the Zürich-based Simone Züger focuses on aesthetic clarity, committed to reappropriating objects and fashioning them into something new.


Susanne Winterling

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