Cristin-resultat-ID: 2251063
Sist endret: 17. mars 2024, 05:31
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel

An isenthalpic formulation for simulating geothermal systems with phase changes

  • Omar Yesid Duran Triana
  • Veljko Lipovac
  • Eirik Keilegavlen
  • Florin Adrian Radu og
  • Inga Berre


84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition
  • 000-00-00000-00-0


European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
NVI-nivå 0

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Publiseringsår: 2023
  • 000-00-00000-00-0


Fagfelt (NPI)

Fagfelt: Geovitenskap
- Fagområde: Realfag og teknologi

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


An isenthalpic formulation for simulating geothermal systems with phase changes


Geothermal energy extraction requires detailed characterization of geological, physical, and geochemical properties of the reservoir and fluid properties of the geothermal fluids. For a proper understanding of the involved reservoir processes, robust and efficient numerical thermal simulation tools are essential (Zhu and Okuno, 2014, 2016; Connolly et al., 2021). Simulations of mass and heat transfer in porous media traditionally include temperature as an independent variable and the set of natural variables. This, however, requires variable substitution procedures to handle phase transitions, which add complexity to the implementation (Voskov and Tchelepi, 2012). In contrast, the overall composition formulation, has the advantage of well-defined equations and variables at each cell, so it does not require variable substitution procedures, (Voskov and Tchelepi, 2012). In this formulation, the coupled mass and heat transfer problem is solved at each time step by using pressure, enthalpy, and composition, requiring an isobaric and isenthalpic formulation to solve the local phase equilibrium problem. This study approaches the isenthalpic phase equilibrium problem from a unified perspective and ties it to equations of energy and mass conservation. Zhu, D. and Okuno, R. [2014] A robust algorithm for isenthalpic flash of narrow-boiling fluids. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 379, 26–51. Zhu, D. and Okuno, R. [2016] Multiphase isenthalpic flash integrated with stability analysis. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 423, 203–219. Connolly, M., Pan, H., Imai, M. and Tchelepi, H.A. [2021] Reduced method for rapid multiphase isenthalpic flash in thermal simulation. Chemical Engineering Science, 231, 116150. Voskov, D.V. and Tchelepi, H.A. [2012] Comparison of nonlinear formulations for two-phase multi- component EoS based simulation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 82-83, 101–111.


Omar Yesid Duran Triana

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Matematisk institutt ved Universitetet i Bergen

Veljko Lipovac

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Matematisk institutt ved Universitetet i Bergen

Eirik Keilegavlen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Matematisk institutt ved Universitetet i Bergen

Adrian Florin Radu

Bidragsyterens navn vises på dette resultatet som Florin Adrian Radu
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Matematisk institutt ved Universitetet i Bergen

Inga Berre

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Matematisk institutt ved Universitetet i Bergen
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84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition.

EAGE, 2023, .. 2023, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE). Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
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