Cristin-resultat-ID: 2252922
Sist endret: 19. juni 2024, 11:04
NVI-rapporteringsår: 2024
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Technical and cost analysis of zero-emission high-speed ferries: Retrofitting from diesel to green hydrogen

  • Masih Mojarrad
  • Rebecca Jayne Thorne og
  • Kenneth Løvold Rødseth


ISSN 2405-8440
e-ISSN 2405-8440
NVI-nivå 1

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig artikkel
Publiseringsår: 2024
Publisert online: 2024
Volum: 10
Hefte: 6
Sider: 1 - 19
Artikkelnummer: E27479
Open Access


Scopus-ID: 2-s2.0-85187504884

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Technical and cost analysis of zero-emission high-speed ferries: Retrofitting from diesel to green hydrogen


This paper proposes a technical and cost analysis model to assess the change in costs of a zero-emission high-speed ferry when retrofitting from diesel to green hydrogen. Both compressed gas and liquid hydrogen are examined. Different scenarios explore energy demand, energy losses, fuel consumption, and cost-effectiveness. The methodology explores how variation in the ferry's total weight and equipment efficiency across scenarios impact results. Applied to an existing diesel high-speed ferry on one of Norway's longest routes, the study, under certain assumptions, identifies compressed hydrogen gas as the current most economical option, despite its higher energy consumption. Although the energy consumption of the compressed hydrogen ferry is slightly more than the liquid hydrogen counterpart, its operating expenses are considerably lower and comparable to the existing diesel ferry on the route. However, constructing large hydrogen liquefaction plants could reduce liquid hydrogen's cost and make it competitive with both diesel and compressed hydrogen gas. Moreover, liquid hydrogen allows the use of a superconducting motor to enhance efficiency. Operating the ferry with liquid hydrogen and a superconducting motor, besides its technical advantages, offers promising economic viability in the future, comparable to diesel and compressed hydrogen gas options. Reducing the ferry's speed and optimizing equipment improves fuel efficiency and economic viability. This research provides valuable insights into sustainable, zero-emission high-speed ferries powered by green hydrogen.


Masih Mojarrad

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Kondenserte fasers fysikk ved Universitetet i Oslo

Rebecca Jayne Thorne

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Transportteknologi og miljø ved Transportøkonomisk institutt
Aktiv cristin-person

Kenneth Løvold Rødseth

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Samfunnsøkonomiske analyser ved Transportøkonomisk institutt
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