Cristin-resultat-ID: 2261373
Sist endret: 23. april 2024, 11:23
Vitenskapelig foredrag

Theoretical conceptualizations of social science (samfunnskunnskap) in Nordic didactical research 2019-2023

  • Kari-Mette Walmann Hidle
  • Olson Maria og
  • Ledman Kristina


Navn på arrangementet: NOKSA 2024
Sted: Odense
Dato fra: 11. april 2024
Dato til: 12. april 2024


Arrangørnavn: UCL Odense

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig foredrag
Publiseringsår: 2024






Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Theoretical conceptualizations of social science (samfunnskunnskap) in Nordic didactical research 2019-2023


Social science and social studies (samfunnskunnskap/samhällskunnskap/samhällslära/samfundsfag) are evolving concepts, employed in different ways in the Nordic context both with respect to age level, content, aims and practices (see i.e. Ledman, 2019). Yet common ground can be found in terms of the role, purposes and didactic strategies attributed to the subject in teaching and research. Recent educational reforms in both teacher education, pre-, primary, and secondary school in the Nordic countries, have both altered the subject and contributed to a traction in didactical research on the subject (Bladh et al., 2023; Børhaug et al., 2022; Löfström, 2019). Whereas the traction entails opportunities for joint knowledge accumulation in the research field of social science / studies didactics, across national contexts, it is also challenged by the continual reconceptualization of the subject(s). Taking on Bladh et al. (2023), we might ask whether there is “sammenhæng mellem fagene [here: social science/studies] på tværs af de nordiske lande?», and «om vi meningsfuldt kan tale om denne faggrupp[e] som et sammenhængende forsknings- og praksisfelt?“ Worth pointing out is that this tendency is far from exclusive in the Nordic context. It is also reflected internationally ( See i.e. Jay, 2022). Out of the current state of the art, we present an article with a mapping of different conceptualisations of social science / studies as a school subject(s) in the Nordic context. We also identify how contributions to the field of social science/studies didactics are embedded theoretically. The analysis is based on a scoping review of publications in three peer reviewed journals considered central to the field of research: Nordidactica, Acta Didactica Norden and Journal of Social Science Education (2019-2023). Based on the analysis, we discuss the conditions and grounds for knowledge accumulation and integration of social science / studies didactics as a field of research, as well as implications for continued and future research priorities. The overarching ambition is to contribute with systematized knowledge to the social science/studies didactics field of research in the Nordic context.


Aktiv cristin-person

Kari-Mette Walmann Hidle

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Avdeling for lærerutdanning ved NLA Høgskolen

Olson Maria

  • Tilknyttet:

Ledman Kristina

  • Tilknyttet:
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