Cristin-resultat-ID: 2274078
Sist endret: 20. juni 2024, 13:53

Searching for the oracle- an expedition

  • Helle Siljeholm

Om resultatet

Publiseringsår: 2024
Medskapere: co creating performers: Pernille Holden and Marianne Kjærsund sound composition: Illios curators: Poka Yio and Kika Kirakiou (PCAI)

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Searching for the oracle- an expedition


On April 25, Polygreen Culture & Art Initiative (PCAI) presented Searching for the Oracle, an expedition by Norwegian visual artist and choreographer Helle Siljeholm, in Delphi. Inspired by the ancient journey to meet Pythia (the Oracle) the audience was invited to join the performers on an 8-hour expedition from Athens to Delphi. Driven by recent researches on Delphi’s geomythological history, stating that the oracle’s hallucinative fumes were due to seismic raptures. On the one hand, the myth describes a metaphysical connection in which Gaia (Mother Earth) produced one of the most powerful human imaginaries that ever existed, whereas according to urban legends, the fumes seemingly disappeared from Delphi in the 1930s. Searching for the Oracle was a speculation and a meditation upon Delphi as a site, the fumes that disappeared, and the form they might have transformed into. Link to presentation and interview in fulltext:


Helle Siljeholm

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