Cristin-resultat-ID: 413843
Sist endret: 21. oktober 2013, 12:12
Vitenskapelig artikkel

The driving force distribution for minimum lost work in a chemical rea ctor close to and far from equilibrium. 2. Oxidation of SO%c

  • Signe Kjelstrup og
  • Trond Vegard Island


Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
ISSN 0888-5885
e-ISSN 1520-5045
NVI-nivå 2

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig artikkel
Publiseringsår: 1999
Volum: 38
Hefte: 8
Sider: 3051 - 3055


Bibsys-ID: r99015811

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


The driving force distribution for minimum lost work in a chemical rea ctor close to and far from equilibrium. 2. Oxidation of SO%c


Our mathematical procedure for the determination of the driving force distribution in a chemical reactor that has minimum entropy producti on for a given production rate is applied to the oxidation of SO2 to SO3. The force of reaction that gives the minimum total entropy produ ction is much more constant through the reactor than is a force taken from a standard textbook example. The entropy production has a peak at the entrance of the reactor. The inverse temperature plot shows th at the optimal force is nearly at equal distance from the equilibrium line in the end of the reactor. Two practical ways that do not inclu de changes in the apparatus are suggested to minimize the actual entr opy production of the reactor. Reductions of 5% and 21% are obtained. The ideal result suggest that there is room for further improvements , especially if the apparatus is changed.


Aktiv cristin-person

Signe Helene Kjelstrup

Bidragsyterens navn vises på dette resultatet som Signe Kjelstrup
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for kjemi ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Trond Vegard Island

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for kjemi ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
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