Cristin result ID: 54209
Last modified: January 19, 2007, 10:50 AM
Year of NVI-reporting: 2006
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper

"Alt jeg så liknet en salme." Dag Solstad som poetisk "Augendenker"

  • Gunnar Foss


Litteratur og visuell kultur
  • 9979-54-669-7


University of Iceland Press
NVI-level 1

About the result

Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Year of publication: 2006
Pages: 177 - 187
  • 9979-54-669-7


Scientific disciplines

General literature studies

Description Description


"Alt jeg så liknet en salme." Dag Solstad som poetisk "Augendenker"


Den fiksjonaliserte forfattaren Dag Solstads vakne og vakre flygedrøm i romanen 16.07.41 (2002) er forma som ein klassisk ekstase med paradisiske syner som gir forfattaren ei sterk oppleving av velvære. Dei ekstatiske visjonane toppar seg i synet av hans forlengst avdøde far, og dette synet tvingar han til å gå inn i sitt eige bilete for å treffe faren. Men møtet med den døde faren gir forfattaren angst i ettertid. Og det gir han ei oppgåve å fullføre gjennom skrifta. Artikkelen drøftar denne drømmens privilegerte plass som skriftgenererande kraft i romanens samanheng, og perspektiverer den intertekstuelt og teoretisk med utgangspunkt i begjærsøkonomi, åndsfenomenologi, religionsfilosofi og modernistisk kunstpoetikk.


‘Everything I saw resembled a hymn’. Dag Solstas as poetic ‘Augendenker’


The beautiful waking dream of flying experienced by the fictionalized author Dag Solstad in the novel 16.07.41 (2002) takes the form of a classical ecstasy that contains paradisiacal visions which provide the author with a powerful sense of well-being. These ecstatic visions culminate in the gaze of his long-dead father, and this gaze compels him to venture into his own vision in order to meet with his father. But this meeting with his ghostly father is the subsequent cause of experiences of angst in him. And it also provides him with a task to complete through his writing. The article considers this dream’s privileged rôle as a writing-inspiring force in the context of the novel, one that can be seen from a number of intertextual and theoretical perspectives that have their starting-point in the economy of desire, the phenomenology of spirit, the philosophy of religion and the poetics of modernism.


Gunnar Foss

  • Affiliation:
    at Department of Language and Literature at Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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Result is a part of Result is a part of

Litteratur og visuell kultur.

Kristjansdottir, Dagny. 2006, University of Iceland Press. HÊAcademic anthology/Conference proceedings
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