Cristin-resultat-ID: 656560
Sist endret: 30. mai 2017, 11:11
Vitenskapelig foredrag

Predicting Changes in Physical Activity through Adolescence; The Young- HUNT Study, Norway

  • Vegar Rangul


Navn på arrangementet: American College of Sports Medicine, 56th Annual Meeting
Sted: Seattle, Washingto, USA
Dato fra: 30. mai 2009
Dato til: 30. mai 2009

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig foredrag
Publiseringsår: 2009


ForskDok-ID: r09014904



Livsstil • Ungdom

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Predicting Changes in Physical Activity through Adolescence; The Young- HUNT Study, Norway


Physical inactivity is a risk factor for obesity and cardiovascular disease. Most adolescents tend to reduce their physical activity (PA) with increased age. For prevention strategies it is important to study predictors of change in physical activity during adolescence. PURPOSE: In a prospective design to study predictors of decreased PA from early to late adolescence with focus on gender differences. METHODS: The youth part of the Nord-Trøndelag Health Studies (HUNT), Norway, included 2348 students (46% boys) who participated both in Young-HUNT 1 (1995-1997, age 13-15 years) and at a follow-up Young-HUNT 2 (2000-2001, age 17-19 years). Identical questionnaires were used and standardized measurements of height and weight were performed in both studies. Data were analyzed by logistic regression. RESULTS: Out of the 2348 students, 692 (29.5%) were physically active (PA until sweating and/or breathing heavily) ≥4 days/week. At follow-up 386 (55.8%) of these had reduced their PA, and were physically active (PA until sweating and/or breathing heavily)


Vegar Rangul

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Fakultet for sykepleie og helsevitenskap ved Nord universitet
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