Cristin-resultat-ID: 712613
Sist endret: 5. januar 2010, 00:00

The Relationship between Perceived Coach Behaviour and Perceived Social Loafing in Youth Football

  • Rune Høigaard og
  • Derek M. Peters


Navn på arrangementet: 12th ISSP World Congress of Sport Psychology.
Sted: Marrakech, Morocco
Dato fra: 17. juni 2009
Dato til: 21. juni 2009

Om resultatet

Publiseringsår: 2009


ForskDok-ID: r10000393

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The Relationship between Perceived Coach Behaviour and Perceived Social Loafing in Youth Football


Perceived social loafing (PSL) in sports teams reflects the perception that one or more members of the team are contributing less than they could and it is theoretically plausible that perceived coach behaviours may influence athlete perceptions of social loafing. The aim of the study therefore, was to investigate the relationship between perceived coach leadership behaviours and PSL in youth football teams. The Leadership Scale for Sport (LSS, Chelladurai & Selah, 1980) and PSL Scale (Høigaard, 2006) were completed by 59 players from five elite youth teams (mean age 16.9±1.0yrs; mean time with team 1.3±1.0yrs). Perceived positive feedback may be acting as an indication to the athletes that the coach has evaluated their individual effort and performance thus reducing PSL. It is important for athletes to engage fully in the democratic process that has been shown to maximize team performance. It is essential, however, that players are made aware that in a democratic environment the usually more assertive players must become less dominant, and that this reduced participation is not social loafing but a necessary adaptation to facilitate the democratic process.


Rune Høigaard

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for idrettsvitenskap og kroppsøving ved Universitetet i Agder

Derek Melville Peters

Bidragsyterens navn vises på dette resultatet som Derek M. Peters
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for idrettsvitenskap og kroppsøving ved Universitetet i Agder
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