Cristin-person-ID: 1149295

Elizabeth Catherine Velliky

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for arkeologi, historie, kultur- og religionsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Bergen



Annen arkeologi


Pigmenter • Europeisk arkeologi • Forhistoriske Europa • Geokjemi • Sør-Afrika • Symbolisme • Bergkunst • Arkeometri


  • Sørlige Afrika
  • Europa


SFF Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour (SapienCE) University of Bergen P.O. Box 7805, 5020 Bergen, Norway

Resultater Resultater

Resisting Nature.

Samuelsen, Geir Harald; Velliky, Elizabeth Catherine; Johnslien, Marte; Bourriaud, Nicolas; Gustafsen, Heidi; De Commarque, Cyril. 2023, Symposium. KHIO, UIBFaglig foredrag

Mineral pigment provisioning and rock art in Stone Age Eswatini.

Macdonald, Brandi lee; Velliky, Elizabeth Catherine; Lindstädter, Jörg; Kuo, Alexa; Bader, Gregor. 2023, Society for Africanist Archaeology (SAFA). UoM, UIBVitenskapelig foredrag

Clearing the brush of time: a re-examination of the Dikbosch 1 rockshelter legacy material and the Later Stone Age of the interior of South Africa.

Rhodes, Sara; Velliky, Elizabeth Catherine; Bader, Gregor. 2023, Society for Africanist Archaeology (SAFA). UdA, UIB, ETVitenskapelig foredrag

Current perspectives on ochre behaviors in the LSA of eSwatini.

Velliky, Elizabeth Catherine. 2022, Ochre Procurement, Use and Meaning in Prehistoric Africa (OPUMPA) . UIBVitenskapelig foredrag

New insights into ochre features and their associated behaviours from the Howieson’s Poort layers at Klipdrift Shelter.

Velliky, Elizabeth Catherine; Haaland, Magnus Mathisen; Mentzer, Susan M.; Henshilwood, Christopher Stuart; Van niekerk, Karen. 2022, European Society for Human Evolution (ESHE). UIBVitenskapelig foredrag
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  • 2021 - The Leakey Foundation Research Grant