Cristin-person-ID: 2177

Ralf Stefan Neumann

  • Stilling:
    ved Avdeling for immunologi og transfusjonsmedisin ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Single-cell TCR repertoire analysis reveals highly polyclonal composition of human intraepithelial CD8<sup>+</sup> αβ T lymphocytes in untreated celiac disease.

Eggesbø, Linn Margrethe; Risnes, Louise Fremgaard; Neumann, Ralf Stefan; Lundin, Knut E. A.; Christophersen, Asbjørn Otto; Sollid, Ludvig Magne. 2021, European Journal of Immunology. UIO, OUSBrev til redaktøren

TCRpower: quantifying the detection power of T-cell receptor sequencing with a novel computational pipeline calibrated by spike-in sequences.

Dahal-Koirala, Shiva; Balaban, Gabriel; Neumann, Ralf Stefan; Scheffer, Lonneke; Lundin, Knut; Greiff, Victor; Sollid, Ludvig Magne; Qiao, Shuo-Wang; Sandve, Geir Kjetil Ferkingstad. 2022, Briefings in Bioinformatics. SIMULA, UIO, OUSVitenskapelig artikkel

Circulating CD103+ γδ and CD8+ T cells are clonally shared with tissue-resident intraepithelial lymphocytes in celiac disease.

Risnes, Louise Fremgaard; Eggesbø, Linn Margrethe; Zühlke, Stephanie; Dahal-Koirala, Shiva; Neumann, Ralf Stefan; Lundin, Knut Erik Aslaksen; Christophersen, Asbjørn; Sollid, Ludvig Magne. 2021, Mucosal Immunology. UIO, OUSVitenskapelig artikkel

T cell receptor repertoire as a potential diagnostic marker for celiac disease.

Yao, Ying; Zia, Asima; Neumann, Ralf Stefan; Pavlović, Milena; Balaban, Gabriel; Lundin, Knut Erik Aslaksen; Sandve, Geir Kjetil; Qiao, Shuo Wang. 2021, Clinical Immunology. UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Comprehensive Analysis of CDR3 Sequences in Gluten-Specific T-Cell Receptors Reveals a Dominant R-Motif and Several New Minor Motifs.

Dahal-Koirala, Shiva; Risnes, Louise Fremgaard; Neumann, Ralf Stefan; Christophersen, Asbjørn; Lundin, Knut E. A.; Sandve, Geir Kjetil; Qiao, Shuo-Wang; Sollid, Ludvig M.. 2021, Frontiers in Immunology. UIO, OUSVitenskapelig artikkel
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